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[[strikethrough]] 54/ [[/strikethrough]] 45
[[left margin]] Pantone n g. [[\left margin]]
Then visited [[red underlined]] Pantone [[/red underlined]] department where saw [[red underlined]] Shrimpe [[/red underlined]] who repeats me his [[strikethrough]] disilusi [[/strikethrough]] contradictions as to practical merits of [[red underlined]] Triest [[/red underlined]] roseate reports. 
Found there large generating unit and large plating vats all installed by Swan [[strikethrough]] at suggestion [[/strikethrough]] and which have been used [[red underline]] Pantone situation seems very bad, [[/red underline]] altho' [[red underlined]] Shrimpe [[/red underlined]] thinks we have the elements for entering the field on a  conservative basis. - [[red underlined]] I have my doubts. [[/red underlined]] - Swan still away [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] will hear his views when he returns before taking a decision
Had long talk with [[red underlined]] Bender [[/red underlined]] ^[[Bender]] in [[red underlined]] presence [[/red underlined]] of R & W. X [[left margin]] X Redman & Weith [[/left margin]] of the [[red underlined]] necessity of more frequent contacts between Bound brook and Bloomfield. [[/red underlined]] That while [[red underlined]] Low, Molinari, [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] others [[/red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] Bound Brook made it their duty of visiting Bloomfield, [[/red underlined]] the [[red underlined]] visits from the laboratory were less frequent. [[/red underlined]] That [[red underlined]] Weith, Bender & Turkington should more often visit Bound brook [[/red underlined]] to keep in touch with new problems and new developments so that there might be [[red underlined]] mutual assistance [[/red underlined]] and mutual suggestion.
By this time 4.30 P.M. it was necessary to leave. Thermometer in Turkington's office was [[red underlined]] 99 1/2°F [[/red underlined]] in another [[red underlined]] 100°F [[/red underlined]] but nobody complained of the heat and all were very busy.  The New-Jersey roads felt like ovens. When I arrived at University Club for supper it felt like the coolest place I had struck during the day. Yet everybody was complaining of the heat.
[[underlined]] Aug 2 [[/underlined]] Busy day at office as usual
[[underlined]] Aug 3. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Whitaker Whitaker here. [[/strikethrough]] Whitaker back, made appointment for this afternoon. - Before this had a 
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[[left margin]] [[red underlined]] Ripper [[/red underlined]] [[/left margin]]
consultation with George Baekeland on subject of [[red underlined]] Ripper. [[/red underlined]] George thinks we ought to acquire [[red underlined]] patents of Ripper [[/red underlined]] for ourselves and [[red underlined]] not jointly for Cyanamid. [[/red underlined]]  But our past attitude and contracts make this difficult without reversing ourselves. I want to invite Ripper to come here at our expense, so as to agree on purchase of his patents which I consider very important specially [[red underlined]] Dicyandiamid [[/red underlined]] patents.
[[left margin]] patents[[/left margin]]
If [[red underlined]] Ripper's [[/red underlined]] patents [[red underlined]] fall in the [[/red underlined]] hands of [[red underlined]] Carleton Ellis [[/red underlined]] or Unite or even in the hands of Plaskon, the [[red underlined]] strong position [[/red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] Cyanamid [[/red underlined]] Co and [[red underlined]] ourselves [[/red underlined]] would be lost. While if we have these patents specially [[red underlined]] dicyandiamid, [[/red underlined]] we would be in excellent position even if Cyanamid Co lost its suit, or if [[red underlined]] Unite [[/red underlined]] won its own infringement suit. As I have already recommended [[red underlined]] to Whitaker [[/red underlined]] to [[red underlined]] buy Ripper patents [[/red underlined]] I feel in a somewhat awkward position. [[left margin in red]] Dicyan diamid [[/left margin]] I [[red underlined]] was under [[/red underlined]] the [[red underlined]] impression that the license we had obtained from Cyanamid Co [[/red underlined]] (Synthetic [[red underlined]] Plastics [[/red underlined]] Co) [[red underlined]] extends not only [[/red underlined]] over present but also over future patents. [[red underlined]] But George tells me no [[/red underlined]] it only concerns present patents on which they started litigation.
[[left margin]] Ripper patents [[/left margin]]
[[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Rossi [[/red underlined]] think that in [[red underlined]] as far [[/red underlined]] as [[red underlined]] I took the initiative with Ripper, [[/red underline]] [[underline]] before [[/underline]] [[red underline]] we had any dealings with Whitaker [[/red underlined]] we [[red underlined]] have a right to claim that the rights [[/red underlined]] granted in all licenses from [[strikethrough]] Cyana [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Whitaker [[/red underlined]] should [[red underlined]] include the Ripper patents [[/red underlined]] which they had refused to buy and [[red underlined]] of which I have since then demonstrated the importance. [[/red underlined]] - Furthermore the [[red underlined]] offers which Ripper made to me last year [[/red underlined]] (see letter of Marks) [[red underlined]] have been remade this year and the day before my departure from Berlin Ripper called me at the phone to ask me whether in case Vredenburg or any other approached him for the sale of his patents, he [[/red underlined]] (Ripper)