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[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] [[strikethrough]] 40 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[44]] years ago [[/left margin in red]]
performance. Before returning to Yonkers [[red underline]] took elevator of highest building of Rockefeller. [[/red underline]] (R.K.O.) center. There were only about a dozen other visitors. Very impressive to behold the City below. - [[red underline]] Same City where 44 years ago Celine and myself on our wedding trip arrived as absolute strangers and which now [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] is so familiar to us, and [[/red underline]] where we have [[red underline]] conquered [[/red underline]] a not unimportant [[red underline]] position.[[/red underline]] I thought of that charming group of our family [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] at [[red underline]] Utowana camp and Coconut Grove [[/red underline]] all what happened since [[double red underline]] 1889 [[/double red underline]] and the rearing of our little family of which we can feel proud. All healthy in body and soul, [[strikethrough]] and of [[/strikethrough]] and promising the best. Returning home as the climax of a perfect day received a letter from Mrs. Fairchild announcing continued recovery of Dr. [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] from his dreadful illness.
[[underline]] Aug 9 [[/underline]] Early at office. No answer from [[red underline]] Ripper [[/red underline]] telegram being [[strikethrough]] sent [[/strikethrough]] mailed to him in Vienna. - has left Berlin. Redman at office told him about our intention with [[red underline]] Ripper patents. 
Sales [[/red underline]] of [[strikethrough]] last [[/strikethrough]] July are better than May [[red underline]] it looks now as if 1933 would end with profits instead of losses. [[/red underline]] Factory getting increased order in molding mixtures, varnish resins, grinding wheel resins etc.
[[underline]] Aug 10 [[/underline]] At Operating Com. where Redman & Weith were present brought to their attention that [[red underline]] Nash work is unsatisfactory [[/red underline]] and raises protests from everybody, specially Gordon Brown on account of his [[red underline]] laxity [[/red underline]] in his work and [[red underline]] stubborness. [[/red underline]] Told them we could no longer tolerate letting him go ahead at his own discretion.
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Told them also that [[red underline]] Brock [[/red underline]] was still a problem. He was good natured but lazy and slovenly in his work At the paper division where he had been put as a leader, he's "a fifth wheel on the wagon." [[red underline]] Instead of leading, he trails [[/red underline]] and is moral discouragement to the 3 other earnest men who do the work.
Also asked what to do with [[red underline]] Morey [[/red underline]] who altho meaning well is [[red underline]] hopelessly slow [[/red underline]] when he is entrusted with any writing job, and admits it himself. None of the three men should have jobs where they are left to their own initiative. They should be transferred to where they receive strict orders what to do from day to day, by some one directly over them.
[[underline]] Aug 11 [[/underline]] All day at office like usually. 
[[strikethrough]] Aug 12. [[/strikethrough]] Celine left for camp this morning
[[underline]] Aug 12. [[/underline]] At Yonkers all day, writing and studying. Maximilian [[red underline]] Toch [[/red underline]] visited this afternoon. Later on Mrs [[red underline]] DeVecchi and her son [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Aug 13 [[/underline]] Sunday. At home all day
[[underline]] Aug 14. [[/underline]] Meeting with George [[strikethrough]] and Hays [[/strikethrough]] discussing whom to employ for advising [[red underline]] investments [[/red underline]] for Bakelite Corporation
[[strikethrough]] Aug 15 [[/strikethrough]] George wrote out confidential report about recent history of [[red underline]] Otley [[/red underline]] & Co and some other [[red underline]] investment [[/red underline]] advising
[[underline]] Aug 15. [[/underline]] Asked Hays to meet George and me to discuss what to do in relation to advisers for our [[red underline]] investments [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Aug 16. [[/underline]] Returned my former stock-certificate of [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/red underline]] to Sachs in return for new certificate now in name of [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]]
Went to our box in vault to study various trust funds, [[strikethrough]] insure [[/strikethrough]] life insurances etc Had visit of Immigration officer Travis who came in relation to visa for [[red underline]] Ripper [[/red underline]]