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[[strikethrough]] 49/ [[/strikethrough]]
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Autopoint - Jacobs [[/left margin in red]]
Aug. 27. [[underlined]] Sunday [[/underlined]], Warm but bright all day at home, writing a studying Sent the servants out as usually.
[[underlined]] Aug. 28 [[/underlined]] All day office.
[[underlined]] Aug. 29 [[/underlined]] Holmgren came back of his weeks visit to Chicago to discharge [[underlined in red]] Jacobs [[/underlined in red]] as head of Autopoint Co and put another man in charge. Jacobs was paid one month in advance and [[underlined in red]] requested to leave at once. [[/underline in red]] Holmgren reports that everyone at [[red underline]] Autopoint [[/underlined in red]] felt much relieved. [[underlined in red]] Jacobs has terrorized them [[/underlined in red]] for years and [[underlined in red]] has fooled us [[/underline in red]] all the time, playing hand in hand with [[underlined in red]] Karpen Brothers [[/underlined in red]] and using the combination to dominate Delhi and everybody. Holmgren says that it was common knowledge that [[underlined in red]] Karpen [[/underlined in red]] sold out to Bakelite his interest in Autopoint because he thought he had a bad investment which he could then get rid off. But subsequently when Autopoint went well he repeatedly expressed his regret of not having kept Autopoint for himself.
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Karpen tricks [[/left margin]]
[[underlined in red]] Nor was it necessary to move the [[strikethrough]] old [[/underlined in red]] Autopoint plant [[/underlined in red]] from the former building it occupied [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] which involved considerable expenses of removal besides much higher rental. The [[underlined in red]] whole transfer [[/underlined in red]] was arranged [[/underlined in red]] between Jacobs and the Karpens because the latter were owners of the building [[/underlined in red]] now occupied by Autopoint. This building was a [[underlined in red]] white elephant [[/underlined in red]] on their hands and they managed to obtain a long term lease from Autopoint at high rental and thus palm off an unnecessarily
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[[strikethrough]] 42/ [[strikethrough]]
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Karpen & Jacobs Autopoint [[/left margin in red]]
large building to Autopoint. i.e. Bakelite Corporation
Holmgren says further that all the [[underlined in red]] tactics of Jacobs lately were to kill the company [[/underlined in red]] so as to put it in a condition where Bakelite would have wanted to sell it at a low price. - This also explains the trick of Adolf [[underlined in red]] Karpen borrowing money from Autopoint, [[/underlined in red]] without sanction of the New York directors and being aided and abetted to do so by Jacobs.
[[underlined]] Aug 30 [[/underlined]] Drove to Bloomfield. Examined further the question of the lengthening of the [[underlined in red]] foudrinier [[/underlined in red]] wire of the machine for making thin [[underlined in red]] cardboard.
Wightman [[/underlined in red]] just back from his vacation at our camp. - Told him & Redman, Weith and Brock that we have a partnership contract with Rogers Paper Co and that there is no use of trying to side step it. "A contract is a contract" and our arrangement with them was entered into it after due deliberation. - That [[underlined in red]] Rogers [[/underlined in red]] in this new attempt can help us as much as we can help them by cooperation, instead of continueing [[underlined in red]] blundering [[/underlined in red]] alone by ourselves, ignorant of markets and other details of paper and cardboard industries. Thus we divide expenses and efforts - 50 - 50 instead of taking all the risk and work alone.
Took up [[underlined in red]] Morey, Nash and Nash [[/underlined in red]] situation. - All men who do not earn their salary and should not be left to their own initiative.