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[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] New life to Autopoint [[/left margin in red]]
then with [[underlined in red]] Cahill [/[underlined in red]], the newly appointed [[underlined in red]] business manager. [[/underlined in red]] The new group of salesmen etc. were there receiving instructions for new program. [[underlined in red]] Every one is keyed with enthusiasm [[/underlined in red]] and new hopes, very glad to be out of the grip of Jacobs and Karpen Bros influence. [[underlined in red]] Deli [[/underlined in red]] tells me how [[underlined in red]] Karpen Brothers [[/underlined in red]] and Jacobs [[underlined in red]] compelled him [[/underlined in red]] against his advice and opposition to [[underlined in red]] abandon the former factory building, which was entirely suitable [[/underlined in red]] for our needs, [[underlined in red]] so as to enter into a five year lease with Karpen Brothers [[/underlined in red]] for this [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] present building, which was a white elephant in the hands of Karpen Brothers, and go into all the expenses of moving and readaption of the present building, all for the [[underlined in red]] benefit of Karpen Brothers [[/underlined in red]]
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Another trick of Karpen Bros [[/left margin]] Among many other objections Deli was opposed to the building because it [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] it had been built with windows situated too high thus furnishing very poor light and necessitating additional electric lighting etc. His [[strikethrough]] arguments were [[/strikethrough]] objections were such that even Jacobs had to admit it. But while the discussion was pending Jacobs was called up by the Karpens came back one hour afterwards Then said: "Never mind all this , we have decided that the business shall be moved to the new 
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[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Karpen tricks [[/left margin]]
building". [[underlined in red]] Deli [[/underline in red]] also told me that this [[underlined in red]] Autopoint Co was a bad investment  for Karpen [[/underlined in red]] and thus palmed it out on Bakelite Corporation. Then [[underlined in red]] afterwards [[/underline in red]] when the business [[underlined in red]] became profitable [[/underlined in red]] they repeatedly expressed the feeling that they were sorry they did it. But kept handling Autopoint as if they were the exclusive [[strikethrough]] owners [[/strikethrough]] masters of it. and giving this impression to all
I told to Deli, to Cahill and to the other head men, that they should not obey any orders in the future, which did not come from Bakelite headquarters in New York and that I [[underlined]] would [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] write them an official letter [[/underlined in red]] to this effect which [[underlined in red]] pleased them very much. [[/underlined in red]] Jacobs with support of Karpen Brothers had kept all these men in abject terror I took with me the [[strikethrough]] Not I [[/strikethrough]] note of [[underlined in red]] indebtness of  Adolf Karpen [[/underlined in red]] for his [[underlined]] self [[/underlined]] made loan of [[underlined in red]] 8000$ and the rotten stocks he gave as collateral. [[/underlined in red]]
Then went to our ^[[new]] [[underlined in red]] Chicago office [[/underlined in red]] with Brenecke, where I met [[underlined in red]] Brannigan, [[/underlined in red]] the other salesman being away. The office is situated near my hotel in [[underlined in red]] a neat well kept office [[/underlined in red]] building and our quarters are pleasant and well situated and make a very good impression. - Here again Karpen Bros wanted to influence us against our choice and for some reason of their own tried to make us locate in more expensive quarters nearer to their location