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[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Ripper patents [[\left margin]]
[[underlined]] Sept. 24. Sunday. [[/underlined]] Brought Dr & [[red underlined]] Mrs Ripper [[/red underlined]] from their hotel here for luncheon after [[strikethrough]] takin [[/strikethrough]] driving them over Riverdale district Van Cortland Park, Park Hill etc.  Then afternoon over Westchester back to their hotel.
[[underlined]] Sept 25. [[/underlined]] Asked [[red underlined]] Ripper [[/red underlined]] after further questions to tell me his terms by tomorrow without going in details.
[[underlined]] Sept 26. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] R. proposes: [[strikethrough]] We pa [[/strikethrough]] He will give us exclusive licence on his Resopal and Dicy patents for U.S. and Canada, [[/red underlined]] issued pending or future and all improvements thereon consultation and further developments, we to pay [[red underlined]] 3.2% [[/red underlined]] royalty on net sales prices for all [[red underlined]] urea or aminoplastics [[/red underlined]] we sell.  We to pay [[red underlined]]
[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] & contract [[/left margin]] cash payment of $20000 [[/red underlined]] in Swiss Francs, and [[red underlined]] guarantee [[/red underlined]] a minimum of [[red underlined]] $15000 [[/red underlined]] a year for first two years.
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Profits small [[\left margin]]
Gave him my reasons why his royalty is too high in conjunction of royalty we have to pay to Cyanamid Co.  Furthermore there must be a time limit to contract, but will discuss further after having studied our Cyanamid Contract [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] as well as his patent situation.  His Dicyanamid at present are of little interest to us specially [[strikethrough]] prod [[/strikethrough]] as the patent thus far is only good for laminated goods.  [[red underlined]] Horn [[/red underlined]] tells me our [[red underlined]] net profits on net sales for all our products are only 6.4% [[/red underlined]] of net sales and our profits on molding mixtures are the smallest as compared to other departments.   Furthermore
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[[red underlined]] molding mixtures count for less than 50% of total sales. [[/red underlined]]
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Rippers profits!? [[\left margin]]
Told him we have to pay this, in addition of the royalties to Cyanamid Co. and [[red underlined]] this becomes prohibive. [[/red underlined]]  That I personally would be willing to make an agreement with anybody [[red underlined]] who could guarantee us 3.2% [[/red underlined]] profit on our net sales.  That [[red underlined]] for 2 years we have been working at a loss [[/red underlined]] and even now do not know anything for the future.
[[underlined]] Sept. 27. [[/underlined]]  All morning and part of afternoon with [[red underlined]] Ripper [[/red underlined]] and further discussions.  Kept George and Rossi posted.
[[underlined]] Sept 28. [[/underlined]]  All day with [[red underlined]] Ripper. [[/red underlined]]  Redman at Operating Committee with George and Rossi. - [[red underlined]] Sanford Brown [[/red underlined]] away "recuperating".  He takes life easy.  Informed Redman about situation with Ripper.  Am keeping in daily telephone contact with [[red underlined]] Bender [[/red underlined]] to follow his progress with his work on [[red underlined]] urea research. [[/red underlined]] - Have ordered all [[red underlined]] dicyandiamid work stopped [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sept. 29. [[/underlined]]  Ordered work on [[red underlined]] Resopal [[/red underlined]] patents to Bloomfield.  [[red underlined]] Ripper [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] sends molding powders he brought from Europe, and is willing to show them how to work his [[red underlined]] Resopal [[/red underlined]] patents.  Told him all I want is that he should give the directions how to work his molding powder just as he would do for his European users. - He says he wants to give also information how to make the powder.  Told him I [[red underlined]] would prefer if he did not for [[/red underlined]]