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Sales department reports [[red underline]] large orders [[/red underline]] for m.m. for [[red underline]] bottle caps and for house electrical fixtures. The [[red underline]] customers, [[/red underline]] who left us in favor of lower prices of our competitors are [[red underline]] gradually finding out their errors [[/red underline]] and are coming back so that at present we have more than [[red underline]] 50% of the total U.S. market for [[/red underline]] molding materials. This is very gratifying and shows that finally the consumers begin to appreciate the superiority of our methods and ethics. However, our general expenses and selling prices are such that Horn reports that we make only an average of [[red underline]] 6.4% [[/red underline]] ^[[net]] profit on our net sales, which is [[red underline]] less than brokers commissions. [[/red underline]] - Nevertheless I feel well satisfied and am not hungry for large profits as long as we can maintain our enterprise on a modest paying basis.
[[underline]] Oct 5. [[/underline]]
[[note in left margin in red, underlined]] Revolite [[/note in left margin in red, underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] Told Operating Committee in session Geo. Rossi, Redman and S. Brown. not to neglect [[red underline]] Revolite, [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] and try to make suitable connections before it is too late. That [[red underline]] Revolite, [[/red underline]] contrary to Rogers cardboard, does not threaten to encroach upon any of our present fields.
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Oct 6 [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] 
[[note in left margin in red, underlined]]Becacite [[/note in left margin in red, underlined]]
Afternoon met the 2 men of [red underline]] Beckacite [[/red underline]] with George discussing the situation relative to their trade-marks we are opposing. 
Hays came in and [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] we discussed [[red underline]] Nina situation. [[/red underline]] He confirms what I already knew about [[red underline]] Foster, [[/red underline]] and says he is a very decent man but thus far has led a rather easy going
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[[strikethrough]] 79 [[/strikethrough]]
life of a rich man's son. But he and his [[underline in red]] family have lost most [[/underline in red]] of their estate and income.
[[underline]] Oct 6. [[/underline]] 
[[note in left margin in red]] Ripper [[/note in left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Ripper [[/red underline]] has been [[strikethrough]] working [[/strikethrough]] studying in Public Library and met me this afternoon 4 P.M. to discuss tests and prices of Urea and thiourea etc. Gave him copy of Bloomfield report on tests made up to date on various urea articles
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Oct 6. [[/underline]] At home. studying etc. [[/strikethrough]]
[[note in left margin in red]] Sanford Brown expense accounts [[/note in left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Interrogated Sanford Brown about his expense accounts [[/red underline]] and that from now on I would pass on expense accounts of Directors [[red underline]] instead of Horn who feels embarrassed in making [[/red underline]] remarks about his superiors accounts
[[underline]] Oct 7. [[/underline]] At home all day. [[red underline]] Peter Roll and Freddie Baekeland [[/red underline]] here for luncheon and stayed till 4 P.M. [[red underline]] Peter [[G?]] [[/red underline]] is now a year older than [[red underline]] Freddie [[/red underline]] and is much more developed bodily and mentally than one years difference would lead to expect. [[red underline]] Peter [[/red underline]] is strong and weighs considerably more is [[red underline]] more deliberate [[/red underline]] altho very active and [[red underline]] remarkable intelligence [[/red underline]] for his age, which manifested itself years ago. - [[red underline]] Freddie is thin, quick as an [[eel?]] talks all the time, keeps on asking questions [[/red underline]] which he fires at me quickly in succession. He is [[red underline]] withal a lovely little chap rather small sized [[/red underline]] and thin bodied with narrow eyes rather close to the nose [[red underline]] Eyes bluish grey, hair light blond. Peter [[/red underline]] dark eyed and black haired, rather [[red underline]] round head [[/red underline]] as compared to that of [[red underline]] Freddie which is long headed. [[/red underline]] Peter makes a sturdy little chap. Both have pleasant smiles and are the best friends in the world and [[red underline]] seek each others company and never quarrel. [[/red underline]] Peter takes a leading and protecting attitude toward Freddie without exaggerating it.