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After the stockholders meeting took [[red underlined]] Dr & Mrs. Ripper [[/red underlined]] to [[red underlined]] Columbia [[/red underlined]] to introduce him to our Chemical Library. Afterwards at 4:10 P.M had meeting of Engineering faculty Dr. Butler presiding.
[[left margin in red]] Geo Roll, my consent for divorce [[/left margin]]
Oct. 17. [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Oct. 17. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]  Mailed letter to Geo. as follows:  Dear George: [[in red and underlined]] ^[[Roll]] [[/in red and underlined]] Since you called me at the phone last Sunday, I have had another long consultation with Mrs. B. I regret to have to report that both of us see no hope for a betterment in the regrettable situation which has developed itself during so many years and which shows every probability of getting worse if continued We both have come to the conclusion not to oppose ourselves any further to the step Nina intends to take. Sincerely yours, L.HB
[[left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Sarton [[/red underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Afternoon met Dr. [[red underlined]] George Sarton [[/red underlined]] for luncheon at University Club. He [[red underlined]] seems as happy in his work as ever. [[/red underlined]] Had long conversation.  Elihu Root has promised support for his publication "Isis" which Sarton has had to support every year as far as deficit is concerned.
[[underlined]] Oct. 18. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Question of "hobbing" stainless steel for molds when using thiourea, is a serious matter in relation [[/red underlined]] to our negotiations for purchasing [[red underlined]] Rippers patents. [[/red underlined]] Cabled to Europe to find information. Bloomfield also busy with the subject here.
[[underlined]] Oct. 19 [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Florida [[/red underlined]] has passed a law putting [[red underlined]] a tax on intangibles [[/red underlined]] i.e. stocks and bonds, regardless of whether they pay income or not. [[red underlined]] Worse than an income tax. [[/red underlined]] This will drive many rich residents out of Florida.
[[strikethrough]] Oct. 20 [[/strikethrough]] Discussion of patents in
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between [[red underlined]] Dodson, Ripper [[/red underlined]] & myself Dodson thinks John's patent broad enough to include all.
[[red underlined]] Question of excessive cost of thiourea [[/red underlined]] comes up also. - Cabled to Germany for prices.
[[left margin in red]] Resopal superiority [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Oct. 20. [[/underlined]] Further discussions about patent situation. [[red underlined]] Thus far all tests show superiority of Resopal over Beetle, Unyte, [[/red underlined]] Plaskon [[red underlined]] and all Urea molding mixtures now [[/red underlined]] in the trade.
But [[red underlined]] Urea product [[/red underlined]] made according to [[red underlined]] Dr. Benders [[/red underlined]] latest improvements show [[red underlined]] intermediary between Resopal and the others and show more "flow or plasticity in the mold [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Dr. Bender's product. [[/left margin]]
Went over the specifications of [[red underlined]] Patent [[/red underlined]] which [[red underlined]] Bender [[/red underlined]] is about to file and discussed it with Neilsen
[[underlined]] Oct 21. [[/underlined]] Spent day at [[red underlined]] Snug Rock Celine [[/red underlined]] tells me [[red underlined]] Roll [[/red underlined]] and she met with [[red underlined]] Nina [[/red underlined]] at [[red underlined]] Hays office [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Nina is planning to go to Reno with Mrs. Baskerville [[/red underlined]] to obtain her suit after 6 weeks residence
[[left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Dicky [[/red underlined]] [[/left margin]]
[[red underlined]] Dicky Baekeland and Celine Roll [[/red underlined]]  here all day. They are [[red underlined]] growing up nicely [[/red underlined]] and are very good friends together and make excellent impression and show good intelligence and fine tendencies.  [[eft margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Celine Roll [[/red underline]] [[/left margin]]
Both asked me a copy of my Family Motor Trip through Europe (1906) which they eagerly started reading following the happenings of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Nina and George when they were about their age.  Thus the story of each succeeding generation goes on and repeats itself. To Celine and me it was an exhilarating thought to visualise our grandchildren as their parents reborn, chatting and laughing and making their remarks about those