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[[left margin in red]] Bakelite sales improving [[/left margin]]
visiting our customers gave me verbal report. Our [[red underlined]] situation improving steadily. [[/red underlined]] Our [[red underlined]] best customers gradually returning and dropping our competitors. [[/red underlined]]  Evening went to U.C.
[[underlined]] Nov 7. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] Election day. - All day at Snug Rock. Writing and studying
[[left margin in red]] Letter to Potter [[/left margin]]
Nov. 7. Wrote [[red underlined]] long confidential letter to Potter, [[/red underlined]] telling present conditions of Bakelite here also asking him to help us get more information about La Bakelite and its management. Also wrote a long confidential letter to Dr. Stauss (typewritten) telling him about progress here and in England and that [[red underlined]] we receive no news from Sachs on our letters concerning information as to the objections Horn [[/red underlined]] made against [[red underlined]] their writing off inventory in their balance sheet of 1932. [[/red underlined]] describing him also our organisation specially the selling department and the kind of men we have in our organisation This [[red underlined]] will give him a chance to compare with the methods of Sachs etc in Germany [[/red underlined]]  Also sent him copy of a [[red underlined]] letter Gordon Brown [[/red underlined]] wrote to [[red underlined]] Kasinobu, [[/red underlined]] for Japan, showing how we operate our sales division
Am glad to hear that [[red underlined]] George Roll finally got a job with Wallach's concern. [[/red underlined]]
This is election day.  [[red underlined]] Tammany [[/red underlined]] is swept out and [[red underlined]] La Guardia elected Mayor in New York, leaving O'Brien [[/red underlined]]
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and McKee, both Tammany men & way behind.
[[left margin in red]] Brooksie escapade [[/left margin]]
This evening Dick tells me that [[red underlined]] Brooksie ran away [[/red underlined]] with two other boys, [[strikethrough]] without a [[/strikethrough]] of [[red underlined]] Scarsdale, without telling a word to anybody [[/red underlined]] and with [[red underlined]] only one Dollar and thirty cents [[/red underlined]] in his pocket. They [[red underlined]] have not been heard of since two days [[/red underlined]] and the police has been notified.
[[left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Brooksie [[/red underlined]] [[/left margin]]
His father is coming back tonight from the Adirondacks and knows nothing of it. - We all feel very anxious and perplexed about this [[red underlined]] boyish prank, [[/red underlined]] specially at a time when kidnapping has happened frequently.
[[underlined]] Nov. 8. [[/underlined]] Received [[red underlined]] news from Henie [[/red underlined]] at the camp that [[strikethrough]] George and [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Brooksie [[/red underlined]] and the [[red underlined]] other 2 boys are at the camp [[/red underlined]] and he will bring them back with his car tomorrow. Great rejoicing. The three [[red underlined]] boys had gone out on adventure [[/red underlined]] thinking it a great lark. 
[[left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Brooksie [[/red underlined]] [[/left margin]]
They intended to go to the [[red underlined]] South West, [[/red underlined]] but changed their itinerary to the North when they met a gentleman driving his car and whose destination was Montreal. At their request he dropped them in the Adirondacks, whence they reached Blue Mountain village near our camp and where our guide happened to see them in a store. So they went with him to our camp where they stayed overnight. He brings them all back tomorrow
[[underlined]] Nov. 9. [[/underlined]] Went to [[red underlined]] Dr. George C. Andrews dermatologist [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] soll [[/strikethrough]] to examine a little [[strikethrough]] wart [[/strikethrough]] skin wart which has developed gradually since about two years on my right cheek below the eye. He treated it with Xray and tells me to come back in a month. Tells me it will soon disappear after one or two more such treatments.