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Since then I [[underlined in red]] arranged that the men on our board except Karpen were all 100% Bakelite [[/underlined in red]] and did not have to work Bakelite in the interest of outside business interests A very pleasant interview in which I referred to the most pleasant friendly relations I had with R&H while his father and [[underlined in red]] Dubois [[/underlined in red]] were alive. and which changed very much when the company came in the hands of succeeding directors
[[underlined]] Nov. 17. [[/underlined]] Busy morning. Then afternoon to [[underlined in red]] Columbia [[/underlined in red]] U. [[underlined in red]] Meeting [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] Faculty [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] Pure Science. [[/underlined in red]] Supper at U.C. Cold!
[[underlined]] Nov. 18 [[/underlined]] Stayed at Yonkers. Meeting with George. B and Hays discussing my testament and Trust funds etc. Decided to add a codicil to my will defining more clearly my intentions.
Also discussed investments play of [[underlined in red]] Bakelite Corporation [[/underlined in red]] securities
[[underlined]] Nov 19. Sunday [[/underlined]] Stayed at [[underlined in red]] Snug Rock [[/underlined in red]] all day. [[underlined in red]] Celine out painting [[/underlined in red]] as usually this morning not withstanding cold weather. Spent all day studying & reading.
[[strikethrough and underlined]] Nov 20 A [[/strikethrough and underlined]] Bleeding piles. This has not occured since a long time. Due to taking purge.
[[underlined]] Nov 20 [[underlined]] Bleeding piles this morning [[strikethrough]] So [[/strikethrough]] Then stopped. - So considered not to go to office. No further trouble 
[[underlined]] Nov. 21. [[/underlined]] At office . . 
[[underlined]] No 22. [[/underlined]] " " 
[[underlined]] Nov. 23. [[/underlined]] George went to Industrial Conference meeting. Much impressed with services of gold - Dollar situation and inflation as explained in Dr. Landis lecture.
Hays, George and myself talked over
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[[left margin in red]][[underlined]] Taxes [[/underlined]] Arthur D Little [[/left margin in red]]
making my [[underlined in red]] codicil to my testament to prevent double payment of inheritance taxes in case I and Celine die one after another. [[/underlined in red]] in an interval of 6 years or more. Also if Celine dies in an accident and I die immediately afterwards without having time to make a new will, [[underlined in red]] Concluded to make a codicil, [[/underlined in red]] which describes more in detail the [[underlined in red]] Bakelite - Baekeland Trust [[/underlined in red]] arrangement of my testament
[[underlined]] Nov 24 [[/underlined]] All day at office. - Evening supper at U.C. met Mr. McChesney of General Electric also Fred Morris of Coconut Grove
[[underlined]] Nov 25 [[/underlined]] Wrote my [[underlined in red]] address [[/underlined in red]] for [[underlined in red]] Arthur D. Little [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] Bu Birt [[/strikethrough]] 70 year [[underlined in red]] anniversary. [[/underlined in red]] A long letter about the Urea - Ripper situation which I shall have typed monday. But wrote a confidential hand written letter in which I advise him of the Bender - Hofman patent which we have filed on the subject of [[underlined in red]] our new urea process. [[/underlined in red]] Will send him text of patent as filed
[[underlined]] Nov 26. Sunday. [[underlined]] Busy all day writing and studying & reading George wrote me a long letter urging to circumvent [[strikethrough]] taxation and [[/strikethrough]] probably new increased inheritance taxes by [[strikethrough]] making [[/strikethrough]] by dividing all my Bakelite stuck in 3 irrevocable trusts and paying $600000 gift tax now.. He fears gift taxes & inheritances will be increased as soon as Congres meets and that this and possible debts may melt the Bakelite investment so that [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] family becomes minority stock holder. - His argument starts from the point of view that infla-