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[[left margin in red]] Trust funds [[/left margin in red]]
necessary changes. Miss Krutzmann very busy sending out dividend checks for overdue 6 1/2% - 5% for Bakelite preferred.
Celine joined me at 2 P.M. and we drove to Guaranty Trust Co to meet Mr. Meacham vice-president
I opened [[red underlined]] 6 new accounts [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin]] 6000 Bakelite Com.
5000 Bakelite com.
1000 sh Bakelite C.
1000 sh common
1000 " [[ditto for: sh]] common
1000 common 
[[/left margin]]
one for [[red underlined]] Trust fund [[/red underlined]] in favor of George
" " " " " [[dittos for: one for [[underlined in red]] Trust fund [[/underlined in red]] in favor of Celine Baekeland
" " [[dittos for: one for]] [[red underlined]] Celine Baekeland Roll [[/red underlined]]
" " [[dittos for: one for]] [[red underlined]] Hendrick [[/red underlined]] " " [[dittos for: Bakeland Roll]]
" " [[dittos for: one for]] [[red underlined]] Ninette [[/red underlined]] " " [[dittos for: Baekeland Roll]]
" " [[dittos for: one for]] [[red underlined]] Peter [[red underlined]] " " [[dittos for: Baekeland Roll]]
and deposited to each the corresponding dividend amounts just received. George wants to draw out $6000, and the balance less one thousand, the next day. [[red underlined] Nina [[/red underlined]] is now in [[strikethrough]] the Celine [[/strikethrough]] our camp in the [[red underlined]] Adirondacks [[/red underlined]] with [[red underlined]] Cornelia [[/red underlined]] and all the children except [[red underlined]] Freddie [[/red underlined]] who is at [[red underlined]] Scarsdale [[/red underlined]] with his sore leg.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in red]] Trust funds [[/left margin in red]]
Hays, Holinger and George busy [[red underlined]] correcting [[/red underlined]] the [[red underlined]] wording of the trusts. [[/red underlined]]. Tomorrow all the deeds will be ready for signature and I feel happy this job is about finished. Transfer in New Jersey of the stock certificates will cost $750.00. In New York it would cost the N. Y. State tax in addition! - I feel like another man after all the intricacies of these trusts and wills legalities and technicalities and soon shall be able to give some more attention to other urgent work with our corporations affairs.
[[underlined]] Dec 29 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin vertical in red]] Trust funds [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Another cold dry, [[red underlined]] thermometer - 7F. [[/red underlined]] Snow everywhere. [[red underlined]] Celine and I bundled in our furs drove to office to get the necessary document to be copied in

Transcription Notes:
Edited to provide ditto text which was not transcribed as well as a few other small corrections