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[[strikethrough]] This evening [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 2 [[/underlined]] Celine wired our sick are improving She will leave New York Tuesday
Beautiful day altho' northerly winds. Went to visit the [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds, [[/underlined in red]] they were out Doubleday who had rented their "Kampong" died yesterday
Short visit to the [[underlined in red]] Cutlers. [[/underlined in red]]
Afterwards [[underlined in red]] Barbour [[/underlined in red]] who tomorrow joins [[underlined in red]] Allison Armour's [[/underlined in red]] exploration Yacht in Nassau, came before supper with [[underlined in red]] Nancy Bell [[/underlined in red]] and another young lady (Miss Harris [[underlined in red]] to get a glass of beer and cheese [[/underlined in red]] in the kitchen 
Told Nancy Bell my clumsiness about the wet wooden kitchen chair I offered to her mother.
[[underlined]] Feb 3. [[/underlined]] Andrew still busy with the boat. - I went sailing this afternoon
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[[underlined]] Feb 4. Sunday [[/underlined]] - Writing letters & putting notes in shape. Afternoon had visit of [[underlined in red]] Sylvester Roll [[/underlined in red]] here who is now employed by Pan American Aviation Co. Is on his way to Cuba.
[[underlined]] Feb 5. All day writing letters. etc.
[[underlined]] Feb. 6. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] arrives tomorrow evening. More letters to write. One confidential to Dr. [[underlined in red]] Stauss [[/underlined in red]] concerning what he says to Rossi. about [[underlined in red]] Elivel. [[/underlined in red]] Also says [[underlined in red]] employment of Sachs will finish 1934 while Weger in 1935 [[/underlined in red]] and asks Rossi opinion about all this
[[left margin in red]] Celine [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 7. [[/underlined]] Drove to Miami to have my Yacht license renewed. This in the New Post. Office building a very cheerful well planned bdg This afternoon. Andrew bought back the [[underlined in red]] ION in [[/underlined in red]] in my harbor
Celine at 5 P.M surprised me by arriving in a taxicab here. I thought her train to arrive only at 6:30 P.M