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She looks well and cheerful has enjoyed very much her cruise in the [[underlined in red]] Carribean [[/underlined in red]] so did George and Cornelia, but both caught [[underlined in red]] bronchitis [[/underlined in red]] the last days before their arrival. [[underlined in red]] Peter still [[/underlined in red]] has [[underlined in red]] bronchitis so has Dickie. Brooksie [[/underlined in red]] in boarding school and doing well.
Nina is living at Snug Rock with her children until we come back and has closed her house
[[underlined]] Feb. 8 [[/underlined]] Pleasant day. [[underlined in red]] George writes me business keeps up [[/underlined in red]] well and that [[underlined in red]] Freddie [[/underlined in red]] is going to school and walks with a little [[underlined in red]] limp. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] Feb 9. [[/underlined]] Drove with Celine to new ground & buildings of [[underlined in red]] Pan American Aviation [[/underlined in red]] Grounds levelled & planted. good roads made and dredging finished. [[underlined in red]] I fear that their steel bulkheads will not last over 12 years [[/underlined in red]] and will rust to pieces. Spacious buildings New aviation camp for Coast 
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Guard also finished. It is very cold in N. Y and everywhere North. It snowed in Jacksonville. Beautiful weather here.
[[underlined in red]] Roosevelt [[/underlined in red]] issued recommendation against excesses of stock speculation Am very much in favor of such action. - Went sailing, then with Celine went to visit the [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds at the Harris House [[/underlined in red]] Mr Doubleday ^[[publisher]] who rented his Kampong died a few days ago 
[[underlined]] Feb 10. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Freida [[/underlined in red]] arrived here by boat to be our cook. Visit from Mr & [[underlined in red]] Mrs. Elon Hooker who arrived in their motor [[/underlined in red]] and are staying at Boca Raton. So many tourists are coming from the North that [[underlined in red]] hotels are crowded [[/underlined in red]] and many are full. Evening Celine and I went to Cinema
Feb 11. [[underlined]] (Sunday). [[/underlined]] Quiet day at home Evening [[underlined in red]] Judge Halstead Ritter [[/underlined in red]] & his wife took us to Cinema in their motor.