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[[underlined]] Feb. 12 [[/underlined]]
Paid my Yonkers Taxes and wrote them to tell me what discount am entitled for advance payment.
[[underlined]] Feb.13. [[/underlined]] As usual.
[[underlined]] Feb 14 & [[/underlined]] 15, 16. Ditto
[[underlined]] Feb 17. [[/underlined]] Received little [[underlined in red]] Bakelite [[/underlined in red]] Radio Receiver called [[underlined in black and red]] Kadette [[/underlined in black and red]] about [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] pocket size, [[strikethrough]] We  [[/strikethrough]] made by some firm in Michigan and retailed at about $8.00 complete for attachment to my electric light plug direct or indirect current.
The Aerial is simply a 12 feet feet silk covered wire which one drops on the ^[[cement]] floor. Was astonished what excellent rendition this toy-like instrument gives. Wired to buy two more of them.
[[underlined]] Feb 18 (Sunday) [[/underlined]]
[[vertical notation in red and underlined in left margin]] King Albert dies [[/left margin]]
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Sad news of the [[underlined in red]] death [[/underlined in red]] by accident of [[underlined in red]] King Albert of Belgium [[/underlined in red]] which occurred yesterday. This is a [[underlined in red]] great loss not only or Belgium but for the whole world [[/underlined in red]]
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[[vertical notation in red and underlined in left margin]] King Albert [[/left margin]]
He was [[underlined in red]] more than a King [[/underlined in red]]. He was the best example of a [[underlined]] real man [[/underlined]] in every respect. His son who is to succeed him is still so young and inexperienced. [[underlined in red]] I feel much concern for the immediate future of Belgium, where his example had made such an immense influence over the petty quarreling political parties which now may show their worst. [[/underlined in red]]
Continuous rain since last night till 6 P.M. first rain of any importance since many weeks. Official report is 3.51 inches. [[strikethrough]] St [[/strikethrough]] Stayed indoors working all day, letters to [[underlined in red]] Maeterlinck, Flowerdew Lawson [[/underlined in red]] Baekie Roll. - Dickie, office etc. etc.
[[underlined]] Feb. 19. [[/underlined]] 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Tungoil [[/left margin]]
Bright and sunny. All morning letter writing. George announces [[underlined in red]] new discovery by [[double red underline]] Shuey [[/double red underline]] and Turkington for more [[strikethrough]] advancement [[/strikethrough]] advantageous use of Tung oil in our vanishes [[/underlined in red]]