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also improvements in dental applications of Bakelite [[strikethrough]] invented by [[\strikethrough]] dental Resin by Mr. [[red underline]] Barton Eddison [[\red underline]] with which contract has been made on royalty basis.
Feb. 20.  Since 1926 I have been bothered occasionally with [[red underline]] hemerhoids [[\red underline]] in light form.  Every time I arrived in Miami in winter, [[strikethrough]] conditions [[\strikethrough]] since 1928 conditions became worse and caused bleeding for a few minutes [[strikethrough]] and [[\strikethrough]] in the morning after defecation then troubles disappeared.  I attributed this to 
1/ to 30 hours shaking in train,
2/ to tropical fruits,
3/ to the fact that arriving here I did an unusual mount of walking and exercise,
4/ to the fact that the floors here instead of having carpets [[strikethrough]] were [[\strikethrough]] or wood were bare cement
5/ to the fact that I wore canvass shoes with flat soles instead of leather shoes with heels.
But this year bleeding occurred
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twice in Yonkers before my departure, and it took 2 weeks after my arrival here before bleeding occurred.  This last week I had three bleedings in one day, each bleeding lasting about 10 minutes.
[[left margin]] Dr. Jeffrey [[\left margin]]
So today I went to [[red underline]] Dr. Jeffrey [[\red underline]] to consult him.  He tells me my case is not a serious one.  Says Cocoa-butter suppositories will relieve me.  No reason for an operation.  While I was in his office wanted him to examine my heart, blood pressure etc also urin analysis.  [[red underline]] He tells me that I am in excellent condition [[\red underline]] and my urine entirely normal.  I was certain that I was in good condition.
[[underline]] Feb 21. [[\underline]]  Was bothered by the visit of a German etching artist whose name is Geissendorfer and who came with letter of introduction from Dr. Harrison Howe.  His etchings were very artistic but of no interest to me.
[[left margin]] ION [[\left margin]]
[[red underline]] Preparing ION for tomorrows meeting of yachts [[\red underline]]