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The suppositories have a very favorable action.  Yesterday wrote to [[red underline]] Maeterlinck [[\red underline]] about his Blue Bird, advising him to put it on Cinema, and commenting on sad death of King Alfred.  Also about lack of solidarity of European University Alumni compared to our Alumni here.  Also wrote to [[red underline]] Flowerdew Lawson, [[\red underline]] whose wife had invited us as guests in their palatial home in England.
Today started writing out my income tax return.  We got word from Yonkers that on Feb 20, Thermometer at [[red underline]] Snug Rock [[\red underline]] registered -23°F and at camp -53°F.  This seems one of the coldest winters. Snowfall and low tempera-
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[[left margin]] Blizzard [[\left margin]]
tures everywhere and newspapers report this the worst blizzard since 1888.  Train service stalled between Boston and New York. etc etc.
[[underline]] Feb 22.  Washington's Birthday [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Washington birthday meeting [[\left margin]]
Perfect weather.  The ION has been put in commission since these last days and gives a cheerful appearance with her new painted decks and Bakelite varnished Mahogony and shining beam.  I had invited nobody so as to simplify matters and get away early. So with Andrew Murray as assistant, [[strikethrough]] Celine [[\strikethrough]] who runs the boat very well and Celine we left at 8:30 A.M. in a light Southern breeze, going slowly so as to do some trawling for Mackerel but caught none. We are arrived at the Harbor of the Hacienida on Matheson's Island first of all visiting yachtmen and