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[[underline]] March [[\underline]] Sunday 18. - Quiet day.  Made some photos of my garden
[[underline]] March, 19. [[\underline]]  Visit of [[red underline]] Allison Armour [[\red underline]] who arrived from [[red underline]] Haiti [[\red underline]] in his yacht Utowana.  The [[red underline]] Fairchilds [[\red underline]] came here with him.  As usually offer glass of my grapefruit champagne.
[[underline]] March 20. [[\underline]]  This afternoon went out in sloop.  Strong land wind.  Prof. [[red underline]] Thomas Barbour [[\red underline]] called.  Tells me Barbours Yacht had a shaky time last 2 days before reaching Miami encountered wind of Hurricane strength, hence delay of arrival.  They are going back to Haiti.
[[underline]] March 21. [[\underline]]  Beautiful calm day.
March 22.  Ditto.  Afternoon went to Yacht Club.  [[red underline]] Hugh Matheson [[\red underline]] invited me to visit his his newly acquired 3 masted schooner [[red underline]] Agara. [[\red underline]]  A marvelous yacht with hull of Tobin Bronze.
[[underline]] March 22. [[\underline]] March 23 - Afternoon went to Miami to buy supplies.
[[left margin]] Rossi & Bound Brook [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] March 24. [[\underline]]  Wrote long letter to George in answer to [[red underline]] Rossi [[\red underline]] and others wanting to put up [[red underline]] $20000.00 [[\red underline]] addition to [[red underline]] Bound Brook [[\red underline]] office building - giving him reasons why on account of present unsettled situation of politics and business we should try to postpone or 
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get along with [[red underline]] cheaper construction or use Frame Residence [[\red underline]] house for surplus office space.  Evening went to reunion at Biscayne Yacht Club, where silver Lipton Cup was awarded to Wirth Munroe for winning Nassau race.  
[[left margin]] Redman [[\left margin]]
George wrote me [[red underline]] Redman has had 3 convulsions [[\red underline]] one after another and [[red underline]] his memory becoming defective. [[\red underline]]
Snow in New York!
[[underline]] Sunday March 25. [[\underline]]  Celine discussed with me, form and substance of new will she intends to make to bring it in harmony of my own will and existing Trusts.
[[left margin]] Letter to George who feels discouraged [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] March 26. [[\underline]]  A long handwritten letter from [[red underline]] George [[\red underline]] in which he complains of [[red underline]] general tiredness [[\red underline]] and lack of interest in his work.  Answered him [[red underline]] I went thru such moods repeatedly [[\red underline]] and they pass over.  If we have no serious troubles we manage to invent them and make mountains of mole heaps.  The people are still suffering from being spoiled by too much prosperity and are in the habit of taking everything for granted.  Wired to Rossi that [[red underline]] I approve [[\red underline]] budget of [[red underline]] about 80000$ [[\red underline]] for additional boiler capacity and other equipment needed for increased production.
[[underline]] Mar 27. [[\underline]]  Went out sailing this afternoon in my sloop.