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59/ Very pleasant interview in which I explained him my estimate of the value of their shares giving him the history of Bakelite Corporation and the present status He wanted balance sheet so referred him to our New York office. After he was gone received a letter from Holmgren on this subject of visit of Tax revenue man at our office.
[[left margin in red]] Brocks mistakes [[/left margin]]
April 6 Long letter from George in which he complains of unbusiness-like method of Bloomfield Particularly [[underlined in red]] Brock [[/underlined in red]] who has been put at the head of [[underlined in red]] Revolite [[/underlined in red and who [[underlined in red]] lacks [[/underlined in red]] in [[underlined in red]] foresight [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] judgement [[/underlined in red]] and by delaying ordering the necessary equipment and specifying the wrong one is handicapping the increased demand for [[underlined in red]] Revolite. [[/underlined in red]] Also complaining about executive abilities of Wieth and inaction and [[underlined in red]] lack of method of Redman. [[underlined in red]] 
April 7 Today is [[underlined in red]] Dr Fairchild's [[/underlined in red]] Birthday. Joined party at 8 P.M where after supper where Celine, [[underlined in red]] Mr& Mrs Brett, Mr & Mrs Deare and the father of Allison Armour [[/underlined in red]] & her husband Whitehead (? had arrived sooner. Dear Fairchild in excellent happy mood as usual since his recovery. He still has trouble with his legs when climbing up stairs. Reminded him "we are not only celebrating
[[left margin in red]] Fairchilds birthday [[/left margin]]
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his birthday but his resurrection since his dreadful illness where he escaped the dreaded end. Felt very happy.
[[underline]] April 8 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Here all day Busy with usual occupations [[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] Evening went to Cinema with Celine. Crowded theater at coconut Grove.
[[underline]] April 9 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Catlow [[/red underline]] arrived here from [[red underline]] St. Petersburg [[/red underline]] where had been at [[red underline]] Chemical meeting with Moore, Bender Courtney & Wieth. [[/red underline]] He came back by sea on Wirth [[red underline]] Munroe's "Melody" [[/red underline]] Looks healthy and happy. Had long talk with him and we went over all the plants and trees we planted in 1928. Afternoon went out alone in Nina's Station Wagon exploring coast and beaches along Cutler.
[[underline]] April 10. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Catlow here [[/red underline]] at 9. AM for further conference about [[red underline]] tests [[/red underline]] and practical result of different varnishes used here. Catlow says his wife has kidney trouble and not able to accompany him to New York [[strikethrough]] tomorrow [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Sunday]] morning. So goes along
[[underline]] April 11. [[/underline]] Went out this afternoon with [[red underline]] Murray [[/red underline]] to make further inspection of coast region along and beyond Cutler
[[underline]] April 12. [[/underline]] Very windy day S.W. [[red underline]] Murray [[/red underline]] drove Celine and myself to the race [[strikethrough]] course [[/red underline]] track pf [[red underline]] Hialiah. [[/red underline]] - now out of reason. but accessible to visitors. Was astonished at the extraordinarily [[red underline]] tall and then Royal Palms [[/red underline]] which have been