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because all her clothes are already packed for her intended voyage by train.
[[left margin]] Celine left with 10:15 A.M. train [[/left margin]]  [[underline]] April 23. [[/underline]] Sent night letter to office that they should [[red underline]] cable to Berlin [[/red underline]] and London that it is improbable any one of us should go to Europe this year, therefore suit their convenience in arranging date of annual meeting.
Prof. [[red underline]] Barbour [[/red underline]] here, his wife left for North on Yacht Utowana.
[[underline]] April 24. [[/underline]] Wrote long letter to Alfred Harrigan, [[red underline]] Internal Revenue agent [[/red underline]] in Miami answering his question: [[red underline]] Why I made my gifts [[strikethrough]] ta [[/strikethrough]] so late in December 1933 [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] sending [[/red underline]] him [[red underline]] copies [[/red underline]] of the 6 [[red underline]] trust deeds for George, [[/red underline]] Celine and [[red underline]] Nina's [[/red underline]] children. See copy of my letter [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] April 25 [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] History of [[red underline]] Bakelite Corporation. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] History of Bakelite for Tax men [[/left margin]]
Celine's help, induced [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] to change his career to help me, then [[red underline]] Divorce [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] and her children left without support from their father since several years. The story of all this was written as an Appendix.
[[underline]] April 26 [[/underline]] Received long report by Gordon Brown giving the advantages & disadvantages of the proposed method by [[red underline]] Turkington [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] selling our resin varnishes in preliminary solution of tung oil, [[/red underline]] which will enable customers more readily to prepare best varnishes but which on the other hand may bring about antagonism from Varnish sellers because it will become so easy for the user to make his own instead of going thru intermediary of Varnish [[strikethrough]] mfrs [[/strikethrough]] sellers. I wired him I [[red underline]] am decidedly in favor of the new method [[/red underline]] and that advantages are overwhelmingly greater than disadvantages
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Also [[red underline]] approved [[/red underline]] request to spend over [[red underline]] $100000 for installation of additional unit [[/red underline]] for [[red underline]] black molding mixtures [[/red underline]] which have become in predominant demand instead of the former natural chocolate color. Our [[red underline]] "black" is now 74% of all molding [[/red underline]] mixtures we sell. [[strikethrough]] We are now [[/strikethrough]]
This evening at 8 P.M had visit of a Mr. Harold Van Cleevan - 125 Barclay street, New York, a cultured man who speaks besides English, German, French perfectly also Spanish, Italian etc. He came to interest me in a new method based on rays permitting location of oil wells. Told him I am not interested in anything purporting to bring in money.  
[[left margin in red]] I do not want to get richer [[/left margin]]
That I have been dividing my estate, did not want to get richer, nor to have a larger income.
Had a very pleasant talk with him on many matters. Foreign lands travels, politics, philosophy etc.
[[left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Prof. Urey [[/red underline]] [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] April 27. [[/underline]] Send telegram to [[red underline]] Willard Gibbs Medal [[/red underline]] Committee congratulating Professor [[red underline]] Urey medallist [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] Wrote George to avoid if possible that [[red underline]] Elbel [[/red underline]] should be sent to inspect our factory and laboratories, in view of fact that [[red underline]] he may be laid off by Bakelite Gesellschaft, [[/red underline]] thus carrying our secrets to competitors.
[[left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Bamboos [[/red underline]] [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] April 28. [[/underline]] Planting [[red underline]] more bamboos [[/red underline]] from [[red underline]] A.C. James Garden. [[/red underline]] Afternoon visited Fairchild
[[underline]] Sunday April 29. [[/underline]] Another beautiful and quiet day. All day at home Evening went to the Cinema
My [[red underline]] skin poisoning [[/red underline]] which occurred