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[[left margin in red]] Skin poisoning Metopium [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] about four weeks ago has been gradually subsiding, first [[/red underlined]] on my left hand and foot, but still causes some red spots and eruptions on my thighs and abdominal region where the poison went thru my thin cotton shirt. [[strikethrough]] My [[/strikethrough]] During last two weeks a substituted [[red underlined]] wetting with a Sodium-carbonate solution in water instead of Boric acid solution in rubbing alcohol 75%. [[/red underlined]]
April 30. - [[strikethrough]] Ap [[/strikethrough]] May 1-. Went out sailing in 14 foot sloop to [[red underlined]] Bearcut [[/red underlined]] with Andrew. Except one lonely squatter [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] a young man who built himself a shanty from wreckage. - We were all alone on those excellent beaches. How much more agreeable all these places are after the tourists are gone.
[[underlined]] May 2. [[/underlined]] Celine writes it is still cold in Yonkers and our ^[[fruit]] hedges have been killed by this winter frost. Hope roots may survive
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[[underlined]] May 3. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Weighed [[/red underlined]] myself accurately naked = [[red underlined]] 173 lbs, [[/red underlined]] or 178 including clothes which is not excessive for my height of [[red underlined]] 6 feet [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Spongers [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined] May 4. [[/underlined]] Went out today on [[red underlined]] Ion with Andrew [[/red underlined]] and William to get reacquainted with our Southern Shore. Left Harbor at 8:45 A.M. It took 20 minutes to get thru our channel and reach the slatted Beacon. Thence straight to point protruding before [[strikethrough]] Cfar [[/strikethrough]] Chicken Key. Course 5 miles Engine running moderately because we are in shoal water. Nevertheless we made the run at [[red underlined]] 8.574 [[/red underlined]] Knots average.  Just before [[strikethrough]] De [[/strikethrough]] Charles [[red underlined]] Deering Estate [[/red underlined]] bottom is [[red underlined]] rocky [[/red underlined]] and water very clear.  [[red underlined]] Spongers [[/red underlined]] were busy there. What a change since about 15 years ago [[red underlined]] when spongers had sloops or small schooners [[/red underlined]] while now the head boat is a motorboat, operating with 2 or 3 [[red underlined]] row boats. [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Soldier Key [[/left margin in red]]
From there we set out in straight course for a visit to [[red underlined]] Soldier Key [[/red underlined]] where I had not been since the [[red underlined]] 1926 [[/red underlined]] Hurricane devastated this Island. Except [[red underlined]] one lone fishing [[/red underlined]] boat at anchor we were alone. Trees on the Island have grown up well since 1926. Beside a very few palms, some Australian pines have grown up also the usual Mangrove and Buttonwood trees. Also some well developed [[red underlined]] Geiger trees [[/red underlined]] with their orange-red blossoms.
Also soft grass and remnants of a camping fire. Waded around the [[strikethrough]] Island [[/strikethrough]] little Island