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[[left margin]] Internal Revenue approves [[\left margin]]
Some more showers this afternoon.  Plants growing well.  This morning visit of [[red underline]] Harrington [[\red underline]] of [[red underline]] Internal Revenue office, [[\red underline]] concerning my gift taxes, asking me whether I had made these in anticipation of death.  Repeated him my statements made by letter about 2 weeks ago, and reasons why I had concluded to make these gifts. - Pleasant interview.  Afterwards he returned me my copies of new trust funds and tax reports thereto, and I got notification that [[red underline]] Internal Revenue in Jacksonville had received his favorable endorsement of my statements as made. [[\red underline]]
[[underline]] May 16. [[\underline]]  More showers and increasing mosquitoes.
[[left margin]] Dr. Jeffrey report excellent health [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] May 17. [[\underline]] [[red underline]] Dr. Jeffrey [[\red underline]] who had already examined [[red underline]] heart urine [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] blood, [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] blood pressure [[\red underline]] and reported me in [[red underline]] excellent condition, [[\red underline]] brought me his comments on a supplementary examination on blood, urine, kidneys and X Ray photograph of heart and Thorax.  He says the [[red underline]] reports [[\red underline]] are [[red underline]] excellent [[\red underline]] which pleases me very much.  See reports in my documents also his statement.  More rain.  Big lake before the church.  This is the mating season for frogs and they make a fearful noise all night.
[[underline]] May 18. [[\underline]]  Went to visit Mr. [[red underline]] Cutler [[\red underline]] and his trees. - More showers.
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[[left margin]] Rain - Rain [[\left margin]]
This afternoon met Mr. [[red underline]] Ryerson [[\red underline]] at Dr. [[red underline]] Fairchild's house, [[\red underline]] also Dr. Gifford.  [[red underline]] Ryerson [[\red underline]] is Fairchild's successor in Washington.  Dr. [[red underline]] Gifford [[\red underline]] a very interesting man full of reminiscences and knowledge of tropical trees and plants and a great enthusiast on his subject and this part of Florida.
[[underline]] May 19. [[\underline]]  Light rain but almost all day.  Some days we had nearly [[red underline]] 5" in 24 hours. [[\red underline]] - Same nightly noise of the frogs.  Land crabs bigger and multiplying fast.
[[underline]] May 20 [[\underline]] (Sunday)  [[red underline]] Rain showers [[\red underline]] all day
[[left margin]] Mangoes [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] May 21. [[\underline]]  Same [[red underline]] rain showers. [[\red underline]]  Great [[red underline]] abundance of Mangoes [[\red underline]] which have ripened so much earlier on account of rain.  Afternoon had the visit of Mr. Lewis who represents Leitz photoleines & mauve glasses who showed me some excellent photos and enlargement.  The man has a pleasant and interesting conversation.  Is also an amateur boatsman.
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Pan American [[\red underline]] [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] May 22 [[\underline]]  A few short showers and increasing land wind.
Went for supper alone to the New restaurant of the [[red underline]] Pan American [[\red underline]]  Air plane station.  Place well patronised and