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was a [[underlined in red]] Savoyard. [[/underlined in red]] I noticed here and in other parts of the West - Indies that they sell [[underlined in red]] live land crabs [[/underlined in red]] in the markets
[[left margin vertical in red]] Land crabs [[/left margin vertical in red]]
They are properly [[underlined in red]] tied with strings so as to keep them [[/underlined in red]] quiet. Too bad that in Florida has not yet realised [[underlined in red]] their food value. [[/underlined in red]] This might become an incentive of reducing their ever increasing number. Sailboat and steamer ready to take a full load of negros to [[underlined in red]] Marie Galante [[/underlined in red]] etc. near by and part of the French Islands.
A new wharf has been built which dispenses with the complication of sending launches to reach the steamer
[[strikethrough]] An [[/strikethrough]] A [[underlined in red]] Barbadian [[/underlined in red]] came on . board [[underlined in red]] with his wife [[/underlined in red]] and two children. He was a [[underlined in red]] wireless operator of the Government. [[/underlined in red]] Said he had left
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[[underlined in red]] Montserrat [[/underlined in red]] since he had experienced during the last few days several minor [[underlined in red]] earthquakes [[/underlined in red]] Seems happy to be out of it
Left at 4 P.M.
A Newfoundland man connected with a steamer line came aboard described his experiences in hotels in [[underlined in red]] Martinique and their dirt [[/underlined in red]] and hopeless conditions, also in [[underlined in red]] Dominica [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] Aug 24. [[/underlined]] Arrived Martinique 8. A. M. whence left at 1 P. M Took motor to [[underlined in red]] St Pierre near Mont Pelee. [[/underlined in red]] about 25 miles
[[left margin vertical in red]] Mount Pelee [[/left margin vertical in red]]
each way. - Dirty streets badly kept. Engaged a creole chauffeur owning his own car. Cost $10.00 American Money.
His name Gerard Allaguy A long trip over winding roads and deep ravines below. [[underlined in red]] Largest fern trees I have ever seen, orchids, [[/underlined in red]] and a profusion of every kind of tropical trees and plants Narrow road in repair in many places. An [[underlined in red]] enchanting [[/underlined in red]] picture of abundant tropical vegetation. Noticed some large examples of [[underlined in red]] Strelitzea [[/underlined in red]] (Bird of Paradise flower)