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crowded with visitors who stayed till well after midnight, when I went to bed. Loading and unloading went on till 5. A.M. when the "Nerissa" finally weighed anchor.
Sept. 1 - 1934. Beautiful weather as we have now the trade-winds (easterly) on starboard my cabin is now well ventilated thru the porthole while on the Southerly leg of our cruise I was always on the lee and we got the hot air from the ship. Temp. at 11. AM in my room is [[red underlined]] 82°F. [[/red underlined]]
Feel very much rested notwithstanding yesterdays strenuous day.
[[left margin underlined]] Grenada [[/left margin underlined]]
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Grenada [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
Steady Easterly trades. Temp. 80°. Arrived [[underlined]] Grenada [[/underlined]] about 
1 P. Approaching it looks as if tower on lighthouse were not straight and reminds ^[[me]] of [[underlined]] Tower of Pisa. [[/underlined]] Inviting sandy beaches on foot of hills but rowed to the village and walked around houses & streets steeply ascending,
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visiting a small but well kept Library which seems to be much frequented by [[red underlined]] population almost exclusively negro [[/red underlined]] or colored, but [[red underlined]] well behaved. [[/red underlined]] Engaged a driver and his motor car to take us to [[red underlined]] Grand Etang [[/red underlined]] which seems a lake made in the crater of a former volcano and giving water to all inhabitants below. The Grand Etang is about 1740 feet above sea level. [[red underlined]] Charge 25 shillings for Mountain drive curving narrow roads. [[/red underlined]] Magnificent vegetation. Noticed blooming [[black and red underlined]] Strelitzia [[/black and red underlined]] with fine red flowers; [[missing?]] however the blue and yellow of the smaller [[red underlined]] Strelitzias [[/red underlined]] we have in our Yonkers Greenhouse or Florida. [[red underlined]] Natives everywhere spontaneously polite and cheerful. [[/red underlined]]
Due to arrive at [[black and red underlined]] St. Vincent [[/black and red underlined]] at 5. P.M. to depart 10 P.M.