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[[vertical sidebar in left margin, in red]] (Gilbert) Dr. Grosvenor of Am. Geographic [[/vertical sidebar in left margin, in red]]
[[underlined in red]] on his bladder [[/underlined in red]], performed at Johns Hopkins. His wife and a trained nurse are with him and with them and is just about in condition to walk slowly to his cottage Another guest is [[underlined in red]] Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor, brother in law of Fairchild [[/underlined in red]] and President of [[underlined in red]] National Geographic Society [[/underlined in red]] who is also recuperating from an operation ([[underlined in red]] (prostate) [[/underlined in red]] at Johns Hopkins. So the main talk was about operations and Johns Hopkins: But everyone was cheerful.  
I am glad that my tooth does not bother me. 
[[underlined]] Jan 5 [[/underlined]] Late afternoon [[underlined in red]] Dr. Hutchison [[/underlined in red]] made a short visit. Tells me frost has done much damage at Coral Gables only a few miles inland!
Evening went to Cinema and to bed early - rather tired but not too much altho' I was on the run all day. 
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Jan 5 [[/strikethrough]] Jan 6, Sunday. [[/underlined]] another pleasant sunny day. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] Restful. No visitors, spent writing letters and walking in garden. Some excellent music on Radio from New York. Paper full of beginning [[underlined in red]] Trial of Hauptmann [[/underlined in red]] and the Kidnapping crime of [[underlined in red]] Lindberg's baby. [[/underlined in red]]
[[left margin in blue]] Circle with X in center  O X
[[underlined]] Jan 7 [[/underlined]] Quite a number of mail [[strikethrough]] letter [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red and blue]] Bakelite Ltd [[/underlined in red and blue]] has made
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in blue]] O with X in center X [[/left margin in blue]]
[[left margin vertical in red underlined]] Bakelite Ltd [[/left margin vertical in red underlined]]
about [[underlined in red, blue line above]] $540.000. [[/underlined in red, blue line above]] profits by end of Nov. and notwithstanding their new factory and recent additions, sees necessity of spending about [[underlined in blue and red]] $500.000. [[/underlined in blue and red]] more for enlargements.
[[underlined]] Jan 8 [[/underlined]] Went to Miami early this morning to buy some supplies. Also went to examine ION to see what should be done to stiffen keels on 
Will Munroe was away on his boat. [[strikethrough]] Lindberg [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Bruno Hauptmann's trial [[/underlined in red]] going on in New Jersey. Thus far all testimony is much against him. He seems very much to be a cold blooded criminal with a stony face.
Jan 9. Jan 10. Jan 11. [[underlined in red]] Max Toch [[/underlined in red]] arrived this morning. [[underlined]] Jan 12 [[/underlined]] Went with Toch to Airport about 5 P.M. to see new big flier X [[left margin vertical]] X Brazilian Flier [[/left margin vertical]] arrive from [[underlined in red]] Panama! [[/underlined in red]] Took supper at Air Port 
Wrote to. George & Rossi about [[underlined in blue]] British situation [[/underlined in blue]] in regard to intended [[underlined in blue]] increase [[/underlined in blue]] of [[underlined in blue]] capital [[/underlined in blue]] by $500.000 to build additions
[[left margin in blue]] O with X in middle [[/left margin in blue]]
there. Also urged to try to analyse their balance sheet to find out whether they are conservative enough.
[[underlined]] Jan 13 (Sunday) [[/underlined]] At noon [[strikethrough]] vist [[/strikethrough]] drove with [[underlined in red]] Toch [[/underlined in red]] to Miami Biltmore hotel and stayed to see the water sports. Beautiful mild clear weather altho hygrometer shows 90%.
[[underlined]] Jan 14 [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Toch [[/underlined in red]] still here. Expected he would stay only one day, and I have much work already belated
[[underlined]] Jan 15. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Toch [[/underlined in red]] leaves tomorrow.
[[underlined]] Jan 16. [[/underlined]] T. left here at 9. AM for Miami 
Will give me a chance to pick up with my belated work

Transcription Notes:
Maximilian Toch (of the Toch Brothers, chemist, worked on the Panama canal)