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[[underlined]] Jan 31 [[underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Still cold nights [[/red underline]] but not [[red underline]] below 40-42° [[/underlined in red]] Days are moderately warm & sunshine.
[[vertical note left margin in red]] Codicil to my will. [[/vertical note left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] Feb.1. [[/underlined]] Got [[underlined in red]] codicil to my will signed; [[/underlined in red]] had my signature witnessed by [[underlined in red]] Irving Thomas, Napier & Pierce his two associates. [[/underline in red]]
[[underlined]] Feb 2 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] (Sunday) [[/strikethrough]] Still northerly and low temperatures at night but day is sunny and bright. 
Celine writes she will be here on the 9th and Freida leaves on 9th by boat to be here coming Tuesday.
[[underlined]] Feb 3 [[/underlined]] (Sunday). Here all day
[[underlined]] Feb 4. [[/underlined]] at 5.P.M. went to Fairchild, who returned rather tired from giving a [[strikethrough]] lett [[/strikethrough]] lecture. Met Barbour and Dr Proctor there. [[underlined in red]] Another cold [[/underlined in red]] night 40°F
[[underlined]] Feb. 5. [[/underlined]] Warmer weather & bright skies. Large correspondence to attend to. [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/underlined in red]] furious because [[underlined in red]] Horn [[/underlined in red]] is to be designated for comptrolling, book keeping at [[underlined in red]] Bound Brook, [[/underlined in red]] altho' George S. Brown & Redman advocate it and it is [[underlined in red]] absurd that Rossi and  Bound Brook should audit their own accounts. [[/underlined in red]] Wrote George endorsing entirely
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his attitude. [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] also writes that my recommendation that [[underlined in red]] expense bills should be properly itemised [[strikethrough]] before [[/strikethrough]] when submitted for payment, [[/underlined in red]] was read to the Operating Com. but no action was taken altho' [[underlined in red]] Sanford Brown and Redman must have felt conscious of the fact that my recommendation was aimed [[/underlined in red]] at them.
George also writes that [[underlined in red]] altho' [[/red underline]] sales in [[red underline]] 1934 [[/red underline]] were about [[red underline]] 45% above those of 1933, [[/red underlined]] the [[red underline]] net profits were about the same altho' operating and other expenses had not increased [[/underlined in red]] This notwithstanding the fact that in this calculation we did not deduct the [[underlined in red]] $300.000 less [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Pantone [[/underlined in red]] which has to be written off for 1934
[[left margin]] [[image – blue circle with blue x in center]] [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 6 [[/underlined]] Went to Miami to have [[underlined in red]] yacht license renewed [[/underlined in red]] and do some shopping at Sears Roebuck 
[[vertical note left margin in red]] Junior Women League! [[/left margin in red]]
This evening went to Performance [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] at Grove Theatre: arranged by the Junior League of Miami. A vaudeville show performed by members of [underlined in red]] Junior League.[/underlined in red]] The younger married women performing in various acts and [[strikethrough]] sug [[/strikethrough]] songs, and showing their [underlined in red]] bare legs to the limit. [/underlined in red]] The subjects, dialogues, etc entirely of the same kind as one finds in the nightclubs. All seats taken and many people of Miami and Coral Gables, mostly in evening clothes