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[[red underlined]] notwithstanding all the tricks of his criminal lawyers and their lying witnesses [[/red underlined]] who did not hesitate to commit perjury in this horrid murder case
[[underlined]] February. [[/underlined]] 15. Windy but bright and crisp and pleasantly warm
Still waiting for rain!
[[vertical note in left margin in red]]
Dr. Jewett [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
Feb. 16. [[red underlined]] Dr. Jewett and his wife [[/red underlined]] visited this afternoon. Mrs. Fairchild tells me his [[red underlined]] wrong eye [[/red underline]] is due to tuberculosis of the eye. [[/red underlined]]
Very pleasant visit. He leaves in May for England to receive the [[red underlined]] Graham Medal [[/red underlined]] in physics
Feb 17 (Sunday) Light showers
then cloudy and cooler
[[underlined]] Feb 18. [[/underlined]] Cloudy and cool all day
Wasteful use of hot water leaves us without any today. This is the second time this happened
in many years.
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cornelia & Nina [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
Feb. 19. - [[red underlined]] Arrival of Nina and Cornelia. [[/red underlined]] Am sorry to see [[red underlined]] Cornelia still rouging her lips and her fingernails. [[/red underlined]] Some women do not know how in doing this they put themselves on the level of the average. [[red underlined]] Cornelia [[/red underlined]] is pretty enough by herself not to have to resort to these vulgar habits. Cornelia went to live [[red underlined]] with the family of Judge Ritter [[/red underlined]], who had visited her [[strikethrough]] wither [[/strikethrough]] with their daughter Nina will take the Balcony Room here.
So as to simplify matters and not to interfere with each other I shall [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] return to my simple
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[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cornelia & Nina [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
self made meals, as I do when I am alone or on the ION. This will avoid interference of plans or waiting. Have arranged a little electric heater in my study room. [[red underlined]] So I can prepare my simple meals as soon as I get up. [[/red underlined]] This prevents delays and complications. [[red underlined]] Hurrah
for the simple life! - This will allow Celine, Cornelia and Nina to arrange their plans of the day without [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] interference of my own occupations [[/red underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Anyhow I cut out supper and want morning and midday meals as simple as possible.
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Trouble in a sloop-dinghy [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] Feb 20. [[/underlined]] Andrew is arranging revolution counter of ION. Gears
have to be recut. Afternoon went out in my sailsloop. A gust of wind tore main halyard and mainsail came down. Tried and succeeded in running homewards under jib and 
[[strikethrough]] lifting I [[/strikethrough]] hoisting boom upwards and holding seam of sail in my hand but wind shifted and had to give up
this [[red underlined]] improvised rig [[/red underlined]] and resort to rowing against wind and tide to make my harbor finally after about [[red underlined]] one hour of streneous exertions [[/red underlined]] came near my harbor and Andrew who saw my predicament jumped in a boat and came to row for me.