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[[underlined in red]] Milk fund organized by Helen Lee Doherty [[/underlined in red]] adopted daughter of H.L. Doherty
[[underlined]] Feb 26. [[/underlined]][[strikethrough]] 27. [[/strikethrough]] Busy with my Tax returns. Celine out. Nina and Cornelia to visit the Cushman's of Bakery fame at their house in Palm Beach. Beautiful day.
[[underlined]] Feb.27. [[/underlined]] Cloudy & cooler 70°F.
Celine out for luncheon at Mrs. Brett
A Northerly this afternoon [[strikethrough]] Marl M[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Feb 28. [[/strikethrough]]
^[[Feb.28. Cloudy.]]
[[underlined]] March 2 [[/underlined]] 
[[note in left margin in red]] Matheson Island [[/note in left margin in red]]
Excursion on [[underlined in red]] ION to Matheson Island [[/underlined in red]]. - Murray & Willian along, guests:
[[underlined in red]] Judge & Mrs. Halstead Ritter & their daughter. Mr & Mrs. Willis Wood Cornelia & Nina [[/underlined in red]]
I took wine and beer along. The Willis Woods had arraged for the luncheon which was served in the bathing bdg near the sea-shore. [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] Light Easterly becoming much stronger enough on our Port Beam to give  us some rolling and some spray. Otherwise excellent weather
Left at about 10 A.M. Tied up at the Moorish Palace dock. [[underlined in red]] Went to see the monkey cages, and Alligators [[/underlined in red]] one of them rather large. The 31°F night of end of December has not done much harm to the vegetation.
Only [[underlined in red]] 3 or 4 men employed[[/underlined in red]]
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now on [[underlined in red]] Biscayne Key,[[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] while[[strikethrough]] since W.J. Matheson died while formerly he had over [[underlined in red]]400. The family has not yet paid the enormous death taxes; [[/underlined in red]] merely pays interest on the overdue assessment.
[[underlined in red]] Island is divided now between Mrs. Willis Wood [[/underlined in red]] daughter of W.J. Matheson, [[underlined in red]]Hugh Matheson and Malcolm Matheson [[/underlined in red]].
[[strikethrough]] Wile [[/strikethrough]] While [[underlined in red]] Hugh ^[[Matheson]] & his sister [[/underlined in red]] get along very well as to the problems of the Island [[underlined in red]] Malcolm Matheson does not[[/underlined in red]] and plays a lone hand even to the point of underselling them in Miami with his Coconuts.
A very charming day enjoyed by all of us. Back in our harbor by [[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]] 5.P.M. Engine and boat behaved very well, and Murray handled her in an excellent way.
[[underlined]] March 2. [[/underlined]] Restful beautiful day. Letter writing
[[underlined]] March 3. [[/underlined]] 
[[note in left margin]] Sunday [[/note in left margin]]
Invited for luncheon at [[underlined in red]]Mrs. Charles Deering [[/underlined in red]] with Celine at her beautiful place in [[underlined in red]] Cutler [[/underlined in red]]. I drove Celine in our Station Wagon. Beautiful weather. [[underlined in red]]Beautiful Estate [[/underlined in red]]