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[[left margin in red]] Mrs Deering dinner [[/left margin in red]] 
well situated and [[underlined in red]] well planned. [[/underlined in red]] Extensive gardens connecting with native jungle. Also spacious round harbor with [[underlined in red]] straight Channel connecting [[/underlined in red]] with deep water in the Bay. House, spanish style not overdone. Room in which dinner was served containing [[underlined in red]] excellent collection of spanish paintings [[/underlined in red]] & ditto [[strikethrough]] wok [[/strikethrough]] works of art. Other guests [[strikethrough]] Mrs [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Dr. Scott President of North Western ^[[Western]] University and his much "rouged" wife, [[/underlined in red]] who was put on my right and kept on endless babble. Am told she is a  Ph.D. I was put on the [[underlined in red]] right of Mrs. Deering the hostess, Dr. Dorr, Mrs. Henri Howard, Mrs. Semple and her sister.
[[left margin]] Author of: "Anthony Adverse" Hervey Allen [[in red]] Hervey Allen [[/in red]]
[[/left margin]]
Hervey [[strikethrough]] Lane [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Allen,]] [[/underlined in red]] famous since the publication of his [[strikethrough]] bok [[/strikethrough]] book [[underlined in red]] Anthony Adverse, [[/underlined in red]] a niece of Mrs. Deering who looks much like her, but younger, etc Excellent simple luncheon and the very best Sauterne I ever drank.
After luncheon while in the garden arrived in the dock the [[underlined in red]] houseboat of [[/underlined in red]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in red]] Mrs. Arthur Curtis James [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined in red]] Mrs. Arthur Curtis James [[/underlined in red]] accompanied besides her captain and crew, by [[underlined in red]] Alvord, [[/underlined in red]] and nobody else but her two sick-nurses. - This is the first time I met her since her illness. Seemed cheerful and [[underlined in red]] recognised me at once, [[/underlined in red]] sitting in her armchair. But [[underlined in red]] she seemed not able to get up. [[/underlined in red]] We had a short conversation and in her speech and conversation she [[underlined in red]] did not show any sign of her illness. [[/underlined in red]] She has grown [[underlined in red]] somewhat stouter. [[/underlined in red]] What a change, since a couple of years, when [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] this beautiful lady was the social center of Coconut Grove. 
In driving and returning I noticed the ravages [[underlined in red]] brush fire [[/underlined in red]] had done to the woods, jungle and fruit trees along the road in Cutler. Extreme drought since months, helped the recklessness of campers or smokers. - What a pity to see so much vegetation destroyed
Stopped at [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds [[/underlined in red]] on our return. [[strikethrough]] His trip [[/strikethrough]] He has just [[underlined in red]] returned from [[/underlined in red]] 

Transcription Notes:
Hervey Allen is the author of Anthony Adverse