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[[underline]] March 8 [[/underline]] Nina & Cornelia left by train to New York at 2 P.M.
[[underline]] March 9 [[/underline]] 
[[note in left margin in red]] Dr. Wheeler [[/note in left margin in red]]
Dr. [[underline in red]] Homer Jay Wheeler [[/underline in red]] called here this morning with his wife. They had driven by their motor from New York
Pleasant visit from the man [[underline in red]]I got acquainted with on the Steamer Westerland which in 1898, August, brought me and Celine to the U.S [[/underline in red]] on our honeymoon trip.ͯ [[underline in red]] 
[[note in left margin]] ͯon Steamer Westerland. [[/note in left margin]]
[[underline in red]] Same fine fellow;[[/underline in red]] blue-eyed, and now gray hair and beard as I met then, when he had just received his [[underline in red]] Ph.D in Göttingen [[/underline in red]] where he went to study and where he got engaged at that time and now is his wife (German). - Makes me feel 46 years younger.
This afternoon Mrs. [[underline in red]] Carey Hutchinson [[/underline in red]] brought us Mrs [[underline in red]] Lorenzo Semple, [[/underline in red]] her deceased husband was a great friend of mine. He was the man who introduced the [[underline in red]] Claude Patents for Neon [[/underline in red]] ^[[lights]] and oxygen in the U.S which became the base of [[underline in red]] Air Reduction Co [[/underline in red]] and who brought [[underline in red]] Pupin & myself [[/underline in red]]
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in [[underline in red]] contact with Percy Rockefeller [[/underline in red]], many years ago. - (See index) to try to persuade me to direct the research laboratories of [[underline in red]] Air Reduction Co. [[/underline in red]] which I declined, but I recommended Dr. [[underline in red]] Metzger [[/underline in red]] who proved a great success in the enterprise
Started writing my jubileum article about Bakelite
[[underline]] March 10 [[/underline]] Sunday. 
[[note in left margin in red]] [[underlined in red]] Kingsbury [[/underlined in red]] 80 birthday [[/note in left margin in red]]
Have sent a [[strikthrough]] teleg [[/strikethrough]] cable of congratulations to [[underline in red]] Kingsbury [[/underline in red]] Chairman of Board of Directors of Bakelite Ltd in London on his [[underline in red]] 80th Birthday. Splendid man [[/underline in red]] who gives me an example how to grow old gracefully
[[note in left margin in red, underlined]] Turkington [[/note in left margin in red, underlined]] 
[[strikethrough]] Mr. [[/strikethrough]] [[underline in red]] Turkington [[/underline in red]] of Bloomfield dept, calls me me up to tell me arrived in Miami with his wife. Is here on [[underline in red]] vacation for his health[[/underline in red]] and intends to leave tomorrow for [[underline in red]] Lauderdale[[/underline in red]]. Told him would like to see him but was much occupied with my article and [[strikethrough]] Incom [[/strikethrough]] numerous Income Tax