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for myself and various Trust funds. But could see him tomorrow. But he seems to have arranged plans for tomorrow to see his friend at [[underlined in red]] Lauderdale [[/underlined in red]] So told him to do what he liked best
[[underlined]] March 11 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in blue]] circled X [[/left margin in blue]]
Wrote to Holmgren to send me [[underlined in blue]] my first 7 books of Journal he has more in his safe in N.Y [[/underlined in blue]]
[[underlined]] March 12. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Troubles everywhere in Government [[/underlined in red]] and in [[underlined in red]] Bakelite matters [[/underlined in red]]. Yet while [[strikethrough]] rew [[/strikethrough]] reading my notes in my journal come to the conclusion [[underlined in red]] I, like everybody else, had troubles [[/underlined in red]] all the time, and small matters at that time looked even as formidable as big matters today and caused even more worry. 
[[large red "X" in left margin]]
[[underlined in red]] Those who have no troubles soon manage to create them. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] March 13. [[/underlined]] Had visit of Mr. & Mrs. [[underlined in red]] Fred Norris [[/underlined in red]] and the father of [[underlined in red]] Mrs. Norris [[/underlined in red]] while the two [[underlined in red]] Misses White [[/underlined in red]] daughters of the [[underlined in red]] Chicago [[/underlined in red]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined in red]] Tribune [[/underlined in red]] owner were calling at Celine. - Discussion of present political and social problems. Suffrage, politician etc. The [[underlined in red]] Misses White [[/underlined in red]] have bought a property at Bricknell Ave. 
[[underlined]] March 14 [[/underlined]] This morning [[strikethrough]] sent [[/strikethrough]] ^[[mailed]] my Federal Tax Returns also documents concerning all the Trust Funds I have created except those concerning Rachel & Gabrielle. 
[[strikethrough]] Wrote [[/strikethrough]] Sent Mrs. Bidwell [[underlined in red]] my paper on Bakelite 25th Jubilee, [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] to type and [[underlined in red]] mail to Dr. Howe. [[/underlined in red]] Also to Howe advising him about it. 
[[left margin in red]] Seabury [[/left margin in red]]
Afternoon went to visit [[underlined in red]] Richard Seabury and Mrs. Seabury [[/underlined in red]] who have rented the [[underlined in red]] Lawrence Villa. [[/underlined in red]] Pleasant Chat. 
[[left margin in red]] X Michael Pupin died [[/left margin in red]]
On returning home [[underlined in red]] Mrs Cary Hutchinson [[/underlined in red]] told me over the phone that [[underlined in red]] Dr. Michel [[double red underline]] Pupin had died today [[/double red underline]] [[/underlined in red]] Another dear friend who [[underlined in red]] meant so much in my life is gone. [[/underlined in red]] Nor was this a