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some additions so as to make it more general as an industry based on research. 
[[strikethrough]] George. [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] March 22. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] $75,844 on reserve [[/underlined in red]] à Guaranty Co
[[left margin in red]] Chauncey McCormick [[/left margin in red]]
This evening at 8:30 P.M. reception and organ music at [[underlined in red]] Viscaya [[/underlined in red]] an invitation of [[underlined in red]] Chauncey McCormick and his wife [[/underlined in red]] (daughter of Mrs [[underlined in red]] Charles Deering [[/underlined in red]] and looks [[strikethrough]] mich [[/strikethrough]] much like her mother, and resembles her also by her geniality 
Admirable evening simple refreshment table & punch etc. near the water. [[underlined in red]] Enchanting view in full moon. [[/underlined in red]] Met many of my friends there. A very pleasant evening. This marvelous palace, [[underlined in red]] planned and built by a bachelor James Deering, [[/underlined in red]] who inherited all his money from his father, has been a white elephant while he lived. Still more a [[underlined in red]] white elephant to the family [[/underlined in red]] since taxes have increased so enormously. 
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Viscaya [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
A picture of luxury and art of old Europe - now seems an anachronism with all [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] its italian and spanish bdgs and art treasures. 
[[underlined]] March 23 [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Wrote to Kingsbury, Potter Kennard, Dony-Herrault. Also to [[underlined in red]] little Peter who had written me such a nice little letter [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] March 25 [[/underlined]] Wired George to declare regular Pfd. dividend so as not to inconvenience those of our stockholders who need it.
[[left margin in blue]] circled X [[/left margin in blue]]
[[strikethrough]] Wrote also to Billings to [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethough]] March 25 [[/strikethough]] William the Negro (Robinson), is back on his job. Had malaria for one week.
[[strikethrough and underlined]] March 24 [[/strikethrough and underlined]] 
^[[March [[double underline]] 24 [[/double underline]] [[double underlined]] (Sunday) [[/double underlined]] Celine out painting at Viscaya all morning
[[underlined]] March 26 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in blue]] circled X [[/left margin in blue]]
Mailed report of my intangibles to Tax assessor, Miami
Also Income tax return + check for N.Y State Income taxes
Got a telegram from Charles Parsons, Sec'y A.C Society telling me my paper has been [[strikethrough]] given [[/strikethrough]] ^[[assign]] for Thursday afternoon of the coming [[strikethrough]] meetin [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] April meeting in Symposium of Chemical industries. [[/underlined in red]] This changes date originally assigned to me so wrote and wired to George [[underlined in red]] whether Parsons was perhaps acting under [[/underlined in red]]
[[left margin in red]] Parsons? [[/left margin in red]]