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40/ located on Matheson's Island. also on [[underlined in red]] Arbor Vitae Key. [[/underlined in red]] Tells me he put there giant turtles which he collected in Galapagos Island, in Texas, Louisiana West Coast etc. But in all those places they had to be placed in [[underlined in red]] heated houses [[/underlined in red]] during the winter and that this part of Florida does not need this. Hence his project to bring them all here.
Tells me he [[underlined in red]] intends to resign [[/underlined in red]] so as to devote remainder of his life to [[underlined in red]] classify and publish [[/underlined in red]] his notes on zoological exploration, specially whales, he has collected during his career
Tells me if he could sell his Long Island place he would settle here.
[[underlined]] April 8 [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Celine signed her latest will at Thomas [[/red underline]] office before 3 witnesses.   
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Celine's will [[/red]][[/vertical note in left margin]]
Still hot and dry no rain in sight altho rain is causing floods along Mississipi Mrs. Howard is leaving for California. Her husband leaving on another cruise
Dr. Hutchinson is back from New York
[[underlined]] April 9 [[/underlined]] Went to Home keepers Club meeting. [[strikethrough]] D [[/strikethrough]] Judge Goddard there. Motion to call new park "Commodore Munroe Park" was tabled because some [[strikethrough]] off [[/strikethrough]] organised 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
opposition was apparent [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Professor Yandel [[/vertical note in left margin]] Wrote letter to [[underlined in red]] Professor Yandell [[/red underline]] Henderson, 
[[strikethrough]] comples [[/strikethrough]] of Yale complementing him on his recent book [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] : [[underlined in red]] Liquor & taxation [[/underlined in red]] 
[[underlined]] April 10 [[/underlined]] Letter from George telling me [[underlined in red]] Whitaker and other men [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] Cyanamid Co have reopened [[/underlined in red]] subject of consolidation of our companies. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cyanamid Co [[/vertical note in left margin]] Shall write him showing disadvantages for him even if it has advantages for me [[red underline]] Mrs. Williams [[/red underline]] according to a telegram from Holmgren wants to sell 35 shares of Bakelite common at [[red underline]] 45$. [[/red underline]] Wired back that [[left margin in blue]] circled X [[/left margin in blue]] altho price is too high, will buy it to accomodate her and mailed my check for this amount [[underline]] April 11 [[/underline]] My balance at bank =  [[red underline]] 87.396 [[/red underline]] George and back in discussing our probable [[red underline]] increased consumption [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] tung oil [[/red underline]] and foreseeing possibility of blockade in case Japan enters into war with any country. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Tung oil trees [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] advises that Roosevelt in his campaign of reforestation should [[red underline]] include tung oil trees. [[/red underline]] Some of them to be planted along some of the roads. - Shall write in same sense to [[red underline]] Concannon [[/red underline]] [[underline]] April 12. [[/underline]] Celine and I visited the [[red underline]] Calverts. [[/red underline]] - Pleasant visit. Their house well planned and tastefully arranged. [[red underline]] Only mistake [[/red underline]] I see is that they overlooked having gutters below the eaves [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Calverts [[/vertical note in left margin]] 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to remove hypen from last word on first page that continued to second page, per instructions not to hypenate words.