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44/ [[red underline]] palms [[/red underline]] make a more Northerly contrast to our vegetation around Coconut Grove Then large stretches of [[strikethrough]] unit [[/strikethrough]] nothing but [[red underline]] small palmettos [[/red underline]] why [[strikethrough]] do not [[/strikethrough]] are they not used for heart of [[red underline]] palm salad [[/red underline]] ? Then endless sucess fir of terpentine trees some of them being tapped along R.R. line Then come [[strikethrough]] innence lar on [[/strikethrough]] abundance of old strong [[red underline]] live-oak forests [[/red underline]] and their branches. [[red underline]] bearded [[/red underline]] with hanging moss. A few lumber mills remind me of similar installations I saw in the woods of Brazil in 1920.
The "air-dry" condition of train gave me a restful night, just the right temperature instead of those fluctuating excess of [[strikethrough]] cold [[/strikethrough]] hot or cold in formal trips [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] in train which are not air conditioned. - [[red underline]] No dust! Linen keeps clean. [[/red underline]] [[underline]] April 19. [[/underline]] Comfortable night. Usual scenery of South & North Carolina and ugliness of larger towns. Richmond looks winterly, cheerless and gloomy. Vegetation much less advanced. Arrive Washington [[strikethrough]] 1:15 P.M. [[/strikethrough]] 1:25 
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left 10 minutes later. Then the wintry looks of New Jersey. First day of sun here since many days. [[red underline]] Arrived N.Y. Penn. Station, [[/red underline]] 5:15 P.M Dick there with car. Drove to University Club for supper met [[red underline]] Bridges, Dr. Holden [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Reyndeer [[/red underline]] there. - [[red underline]] Since death [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Pupin Ordway [[/red underline]] and others our [[red underline]] "Engineers table" [[/red underline]] in the upper Dining hall is [[red underline]] deserted [[/red underline]]. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Engineers table [[/vertical note in left margin]] Drove to Yonkers arriving there 9.P.M. feel rather tired but unpacked my trunks. Weather mild [[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] was freezing two days ago. [[underline]] April 20. [[/underline]] Sunny bright morning Temp. = 60 [[degree symbol]] a relief after the cold days they had here [[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Snug Rock [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] 'Snug Rock" [[/red underline]]; house looks [[red underline]] 'spick and span" [[/red underline]] maple floors revarnished. [[red underline]] Wine cellar walls [[/red underline]] have been [[red underline]] cemented [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] new pillars [[/red underline]] have been put [[red underline]] on Veranda [[/red underline]]._ [[strikethrough]] Loo [[/strikethrough]] Seems dangerous for accidents since balustrade has been removed. - Shall have to change this. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] here for luncheon. Interesting talk about his activities and problems of Bakelite Corporation also [[red underline]] why he has joined "The Crusaders" [[/red underline]] and not the [[red underline]] Liberty League [[/red underline]] the latter county too many politicians who have personal axes to grind. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] George [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] George is certainly developing into a man of judgement, [[/red underline]] knowledge and action. - We can [[red underline]] well feel proud of such a boy [[/red underline]]