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46/ . It [[red underline]] bodes well for his children 
[[/red underline]] guided and inspired by such 
an [[red underlined]] excellent father [[/red underlined]]. Bakelite [[red underline]] business [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] improving [[/red underline]] considerably
George estimates $ [[red underline]] 700,000 [[/red underline]] net for 1935. 
George came from our experimental little plant in Yonkers
where suitable machine is being built for the flexible roof shingles of [[red underline]] Harsberger. [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Harsberger [[/vertical note in left margin]] Am glad to hear that all of operating Committee agree with me to send no one to Europe this year. Took 3 [[red underline]] Anona Cherrymoya [[/red underline]] from Anchorage with me on April 18, which were hard then (decidedly hard) and had kept them in cotton [[red underline]] today they are soft [[/red underline]] and edible condition. [[underline]] April 21. [[/underline]] (Sunday) Packing my trunk for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] tomorrow [[red underline]] meeting of A.CS. [[underline]] April 22. [[/underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] American Chemical Society [[/vertical note in left margin]] Went to [[red underline]] Hotel Pennsylvania [[/red underline]] for registering. Dense crowds. Unusually large attendance of chemists [[red underline]] requiring [[/red underline]] an [[red underline]] extraordinary organisation [[/red underline]] for registering inquiries etc. [[red underline]] Met many old [[/red underline]] friends had not seen since many years. Was well taken care of by one of the younger men who procured me cards, information badge etc. Then went to office George tells me of [[red underline]] new fine color filter of Eastman [[/red underline]] Kodak Co which requires [[red underline]] no screen. [[/red underline]] [[left margin in blue]] circled X [[/left margin in blue]] Went to [[blue underline]] R.KO building [[/blue underline]] to see [[blue underline]] [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/blue underline]] exhibition [[/red underline]] then to a [[end page]] [[start page]] \47
[[red underline]] new British film "Richelieu [[/red underline]] at R.KO. Music Hall, marvelous representation. Arliss main actor at its best. If the British films keep up there high standard as I have seen several lately Hollywood will not be able to keep up competition against these much better films, unclad of their murder, gangster and silly detective plays not to speak of the other silly class and sex plays. 
[[underline]] April 23 [[/underline]] Staying at University Club since last night. To office then to meetings at Pa. Hotel. Evening & [[red underline]] dinner [[/red underline]] in house of [[red underline]] Father Nieuwland, [[/red underline]] [[strikeout]] recip [[/strikeout]] of [[red underline]] Notre Dame University, [[/red underline]] who received [[red underline]] Nichols Medal [[/red underline]] for hist research work on condensation of acetylene, this opening the door for further work of the men of [[red underline]] Dupont Company [[/red underline]] in creating [[red underline]] Duprene, [[/red underline]] their synthetic rubber. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Nieuwland [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] Everybody got a sample of Duprene as a flexible green tinted eraser. A very successful dinner very animated. [[strikethrough]] New [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Nieuwland is a Fleming. born near Ghent [[/red underline]] and when [[red underline]] 4 years [[/red underline]] old [[red underline]] emigrated [[/red underline]] to the U.S. with his parents Still is able to speak flemish because he said his parents during his childhood knew no other language. At the guest table several [[strikeout]] parests [[/strikeout]] Roman Catholic Priests 

Transcription Notes:
Julius A. Nieuwland - recipient of Nichols medal in 1935