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[[left margin vertical in red]] Am. Chemical Society meetings [[/left margin vertical in red]]
either connected with Notre-Dame or with Diocese here [[red underline]] Niewland made an excellent talk [[/red underline]] telling about his work in a modest way and interposing some very witty parts. The whole enormous Ball room of the hotel was filled and everything went very well. [[red underline]] Met endless old friends [[/red underline]] I had not seen since long.
[[underline]] April 24. [[/underline]] At 9:30 went to meeting of Council of Am. Chem. Soc. in one of the rooms of the hotel. About 60 members presents. [[red underline]] Roger Adams President [[/red underline]] Presiding with Chas Parsons Secretary will run meeting. [[red underline]] Very different from similar [[/red underline]] meetings in former times. [[strikethrough]] Very litt [[/strikethrough]] when we started at uncertain times and finished late at night and little accomplished.- [[red underline]] If the U.S. Senate and House of representatives did as well [[/red underline]] as our council this [[red underline]] would be a very different and better country.[[/red underline]] Met my dear old friend [[red underline]] Dr. William Dodge Horne,[[/red underline]] the sugar chemist who now lives in Beech Creek Pa. and many other I had not seen since many years.
Afternoon symposium on economical problems of the chemical Industry. [[red underline]] Lammot Dupont [[/red underline]] read a long paper covering about over an hour delivered in a monotonous voice and containing many repetitions which nearly drove us to sleep. Then came [[red underline]] Bell,[[/red underline]] Pres. of Am. [[red underline]] Cyanamid Co,[[/red underline]] who spoke without reading, in a witty way of the 
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[[left margin vertical in red]] Am. Chem. Society [[/left margin vertical in red]]
absurd contradictory situation brought about by present conditions of Washington - much and repeatedly applauded
Evening. [[red underline]] Banquet [[/red underline]] in the great Ballroom of [[red underline]] Waldorf Astoria [[/red underline]] Hotel. - [[red underline]] Enormous room filled [[/red underline]] to the limit. Everything well prepared.- All the wives of former and present Presidents at special tables.- The [[red underline]] President [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] former Presidents [[/red underline]] placed [[red underline]] on the front row [[/red underline]] of a dais overlooking the whole room.- I was placed [[red underline]] between Dr. A. D. Little [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Langmuir, [[/red underline]] who in turn had [[red underline]] Bancroft [[/red underline]] to his right etc.- On the row behind us were the distinguished guests and speakers [[red underline]] Francis Garvan [[/red underline]] Paramount with Senator [[red underline]] Pat Harrison [[/red underline]] (Mississippi) at his left and former Senator Wadsworth [[strike through]] at his [[/strike through]] of N.Y at his right. [[red underline]] Good stern speeches all criticising present Washington [[/red underline]] administration, notwithstanding fact that Harrison and Garvan are dyed-in-the-wool Democrats. Great animation, [[red underline]] excellent spirit; [[/red underline]] perfect dinner, well served, and good wines included. All the men got as souvenir a framed color reproduction of the [[strike through]] painted [[/strike through]] old painted portrait of [[red underline]] Governor Winthrop [[/red underline]] who, [[red underline]] 300 years ago, [[/red underline]] introduced the first rudimentary Chemical Industries in this country. Excellent service and singing followed by ball; while Celine and I drove to Yonkers. [[red underline]] A perfectly well planned [[/red underline]] and well carried out meeting with [[red underline]] thousands [[/red underline]] of