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52/ [[underline]] May 3 [[/underline]] . Met [[red underline]] Dr. Burgess [[/red underline]] at the Chemists Club and took him over to the [[red underline]] University Club talking over old times and present problems. His business has enormously developed and ramified. - We both concluded to recomend [[red underline]] Tone [[/red underline]]  for the next [[red underline]] Perkin Medal Award. [[/red underline]]  After conference with [[red underline]] Rossi [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] and George [[/red underline]] concluded to [[red underline]] accept [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] proposed [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] actions proposed [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] Stauss [[/red underline]] for next meeting of Gesellschaft [[strikethrough]] and wrote him [[/strikethrough]] for next [[red underline]] General meeting in Berlin. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Wired and wrote him to this effect
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Perkin Medal Tone [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[underline]] May 4. [[/underline]] Spent all morning in packing my trunks for tommorow's departure. Bright but cold Fruit trees and pink Magnolia as well as Dogwood trees in flower. 
[[underline]] May 5 Sunday [[/underline]] Bright but cold 44 [[degree symbol]] F at 8 A.M. All day at home At dinner [[red underline]] George Nina Cornelia  Ninette, Celine Roll, Brooks and Freddie [[/red underline]] all here. Then afternoon George showed his movie films old and new. The older [[red underline]] films made about 9 or 10 years ago when [[/red underline]] the children were so much smaller made them laugh when they saw themselves in motion so much younger. George showed also some [[end page]] 
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of his [[red underline]] latest made by the new [[/red underline]] five color press of the Eastman Kodak Co. They all left at 4 P.M with Celine. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Old Photos [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] Ninette [[/red underline]] astonished me by the [[red underline]] seriousness [[/red underline]] with which she had taken up [[red underline]] knitting. [[/red underline]] She kept on [[red underline]] knitting [[/red underline]] in the dark while George [[red underline]] was showing his motion films [[/red underline]] She [[red underline]] has much developed [[/red underline]] not only in body but in earnestness. 
This evening Celine was invited at 7:30 P.M for dinner at Mr. [[red underline]] Notebaert [[/red underline]] with other Belgians. Notebaert is unaware that I am still here. So we drove her to N. while I went to the U.C. whence I took my trunks to the Pa Station. [[red underline]] Train Seabeard RR [[/red underline]] left at 10:50 P.M. (9:50 P.M Standard) Air conditioned and only 4 other passengers for [[red underline]] Miami [[/red underline]] in my car. [[underline]] May 6. [[/underline]] Bright day. Comfortable trip [[underline]] May 7 [[/underline]] Sunny and mild. Slept well Up early. Train well on time 7:30 AM [[strikethrough]] May 8 [[/strikethrough]] So is Andrew. The rain of two weeks ago has fastened up all vegetation. [[red underline]] Miami roads [[/red underline]]. seem deserted. so are the roads [[red underline]] Glad to be home again. [[strikethrough]] Seems as if [[/strikethrough]] Feel as if I had been away 6 months instead of two weeks. Busy day unpacking and preparing things. [[underline]] May 8. [[/underline]] Mailed that February 1935 Codicil [[strikethrough]] to C [[/strikethrough]] of my will to Celine by Registered letter