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60/ [[red underline]] luxuries, never dreamt of in my younger difficult years. [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Celine and her influence and example on our children and grand children A family of which we justly can [[/red underline]] feel proud of. [[underline]] May 20. [[/underline]] This morning went to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] let Dr. Gordon [[/red underline]] make xrays and general inspection and oral diagnosis. See his report May 20-1935 [[underline]] May 21. [[/underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Col. Montgomery [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] This morning drove to [[red underline]] Col. Montgomery's Palmetum [[/red underline]] at Cutler with Andrew. Mr Jordan the care-taker took us around. the place. whih seems enormous yet covers only 73 acres.. On our return we gladly saw an abundant shower which kept on for 2 or 3 hours and gave us the rain we have missed so long [[underline]] May 22. [[/underline]] Got another good rain-shower. [[strikethrough]] Went to dentist to receive report or oral diagnosis [[/strikethrough]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] F.L. Roosevelt [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] At noon time President [[red underline]] Franklin Roosevelt [[/red underline]] over the Radio made his speech giving the reasons why he [[red underline]] felt it his duty to veto the Patman Bonus Bill [[/red underline]] for war veterans. [[red underline]] A candid courageous speech [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] whi [[/strikethrough]] in which in polite but [[strikethrough]] un [[/strikethrough]] unmistakle words he expressed his conviction of the [[red underline]] danger of this Bonus bill, ready to [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] accuse the to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] lose the notes of the many [[/red underline]] grasping and cowardly [[red underline]] politicians [[/red underline]] at the 1936 coming election [[end page]] [[start page]] \61
The [[red underline]] House [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] representatives [[/red underline]] immediately convened and [[strikethrough]] sut [[/strikethrough]] resubmitted the [[red underline]] Patman bill [[/red underline]] to a vote so as [[red underline]] to jump over the Veto of the President. [[/red underline]] In a very short time it was announced that the number of votes over-riding the veto was overwhelming. - That the Senate has [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] still to vote and the outlook for a sufficient majority seems less likely there, specially because less Senators than Representatives come up for reelection in 1936; so they have less to dread immediate punishment. [[red underline]] Dr. Gordon's report and xray [[/red underline]] of my teeth is very complete and seems to indicate or advise the removal in the upper teeth. 2-3-8-9-10, 14 and 16
and 30 on lower teeth.. Quite an unexpected lot. - Will think it over In the mean time use asepsis on exposed places by means of Perborate of cadmium. [[underline]] May 23. [[/underline]] This morning went with Dr. [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] and the manager X of the [[red underline]] Chapman. Field botannical station [[/red underline]] to examine the former & first tropical garden which was started under [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] in 1912 and [[red underline]] where I made my first visit [[/red underline]] about 1916. [[vertical note in left margin]] X MacLellan [[/vertical note in left margin]] The place was offered to the U.S. Government by Flagler (or by Bricknell?) but was refused Then afterwards the much larger [[red underline]] Chapman Field [[/red underline]] station was organised. - In the mean time the jungle has overrun all the plants

Transcription Notes:
Patman Bonus Bill