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damaged by fire.  Engine and everything on the ION ran well. Very pleasant excursion.  Left at 9:45 AM  Back in port at 4:45 P.M
[[vertical note in left margin]] [[underlined in red]] Dr. O. J. Kanner Matthieu [[/underlined in red]] [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[underline]] May 25 [[/underline]] Went at 11 A.M. to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] for further examination and discussion as to program.  Ditto with Dr. [[red underline]] Misner [[/red underline]]
Met a [[red underline]] French physician [[/red underline]] there Dr. O. [[strikethrough]] S. [[/strikethrough]] J. [[red underline]] Kanner Mathieu. [[/red underline]] Afternoon Fairchild drove up for the usual pleasant chat about plants etc.
[[underline]] May 26. [[/underline]] (Sunday). [[underline]] Quiet beautiful [[/underline]] day writing belated letters.  Wrote to Archie Weith inquiring about Redman
[[underline]] May 27. [[/underline]] Received a cablegram from Germany, sent to office May 24 as follows: translated from German: "[[red underline]] In connection of the celebration of the 25th years existence of Bakelite Gesellschaft, [[/red underline]] the stockholders, administrative counsel and business directors of B.G. send you the true father and and intelligent advisor of our corporation all send their [[red underline]] grateful greetings and best wishes. [[/red underline]] - Bakelite M.B.H."
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] 25th Anniversary of Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
"Anschlieslig der Ferer der 25 jährigen Bestehens der Bakelite Gesellschaft senden Teilhaber Aufsichtsrat und Geschäftsführung der Bakelite Gesellschaft Ihnen dem freuen Vater und Klugen Berater unser Gesellschaft dank bare Grüsse und beste Wünsche. Bakelite G.MB.H"
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Festivities in Germany [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Wrote to [[red underline]] Stauss a letter of thanks [[/red underline]] today.  Edgar Sachs sent a separate cablegram of best wishes.  I also answered him by letter
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Went to [[red underline]] dentist [[/red underline]] (Dr. [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] ) to discuss his report in presence of Dr. Gordon as to the advisability of [[red underline]] pulling out some more teeth, [[/red underline]] in view of the fact that my teeth do not give me pain and seem solid and give no further bother But they are afraid that [[red underline]] Pyorhea [[/red underline]] may cause infection etc. - Shall think it over.
[[vertical note in left margin in red and underlined]] Dr. Kanner [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Dr. O. Kanner [[/red underline]] of the [[red underline]] Prophylactic institute of Miami, [[/red underline]] showed me some of his research work in bio-chemistry and a special apparatus he has constructed for the analysis of products of the living body (blood, secretions etc) by quantitative method based on light transmission.  He speaks excellent French besides German and English and has [[red underline]] studied in Vienna. [[/red underline]]
Went to Burdine to inquire why they send no answer concerning my request to straighten that account which got [[underline]] mixed [[/underline]] up. - They tell me it will be attended to. - When?)
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[strikethrough]] RN [[/strikethrough]] RNA declared unconstitutional [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Important decisions of the [[red underline]] Supreme Court of the U.S. declaring New deal organisations R.N A. etc unconstutional [[/red underline]] as the opinion is given [[red underline]] by an overwhelming majority, [[/red underline]] liberals and conservatives agreeing it causes a considerable stir. and [[red underline]] knocks Roosevelts program to pieces. [[/red underline]] He is trying now how to modify this complicated and manifold organisation and its hundreds of different codes, so that they may not infringe constitutional rights.
[[red underline]] France [[/red underline]] is having increased [[red underline]] troubles with the fluctuation of the Franc and loss of gold to other countries [[/red underline]] in order to [[red underline]] keep up value of Franc [[written in red]] Gold [[/written in red]] [[/red underline]] 

Transcription Notes:
Someone who speaks/reads German needs to review the German text on the first page...I took my best guesses at the words, but I don't read German. RNA actually refers to NRA (National Recovery Administration) which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935