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[[left margin vertical in red]] Sand Key & Fairchilds [[/left margin vertical in red]]
[[underlined]] May 28 [[/underlined]] .. Went out to day on ION with [[underlined in red]] Dr. Fairchild, [[/underlined in red]] his [[underlined in red]] wife [[/underlined in red]] and his [[underlined in red]] daughter Barbara [[/underlined in red]] (Mrs Miller to visit [[underlined in red]] Sand - Key. [[/underlined in red]] Fresh. NE breeze. As crew had Andrew aided by William the colored man. Pleasant weather altho slight spray. Was [[underlined in red]] sorry to see that the hitlute[[guess]] uninhabited Island has a squatter who recently [[/underlined in red]] built a wooden unpainted house and began by setting fire along Ocean shore "to destroy weeds and mosquitoes" as he puts it.
Am told [[underlined in red]] Sand Key [[/underlined in red]] is owned now by. Fossey (?) present [[underlined in red]] mayor of Miami, [[/underlined in red]] who got it by buying up unpaid taxes. Left at 9:15 AM. back in our harbor at 5 P.M.
[[left margin vertical in red]] Whitaker [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Very pleasant excursion. Barbara since yesterday had lost her voice but regained it today on board the Ion. - Is this [[underlined in red]] merely a cold or is it a symptom of heredity she had from her grand mother Mrs. Alexander [[/underlined in red]] Graham Bell, who lost her voice and [[underlined in red]] hearing after an illness? [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] May 29 [[/underlined]] Here all day - Restful. Fine weather. Got telegram from George that [[underlined in red]] Dr. Whitaker [[/underlined in red]] intends to be in [[underlined in red]] Miami [[/underlined in red]] end of week and wants to meet me if agreeable. Wired him: "Yes but tell me day and time:" - Undoutedetly he wants to take up negotiations with [[underlined in red]] American Cyanamid Co. [[/underlined in red]]
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[[underlined]] May 30. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Decoration day. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] Drove. [[/strikethrough]] This afternoon drove to [[underlined in red]] Miami Beach [[/underlined in red]] and then Northward along the shore. All tourists are gone but there are may cars from local or adjoining country Notice quite some new building going on.. On returning visited the Aquarium installed on boat the old steel sailing ship. "Prince Vladimir"..
Whitaker wires will be at [[underlined in red]] Miami Biltmore [[strikethrough]] Sta [[/strikethrough]] Hotel [[/underlined in red]] Saturday morning and will see me Sunday morning
[[underlined]] May 31 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin vertical in red]] Bakelite [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Got 2 letters Air Mail; one from [[underlined in red]] George, [[/underlined in red]] one from [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/underlined in red]] on subject of [[underlined in red]] Cyanamid. George thinks we have not enough good men at head [[/underlined in red]] of our [[underlined in red]] Corporation [[/underlined in red]] inease[[wild guess]] Rossi as he "gives out. Says [[underlined in red]] social element [[/underlined in red]] also [[underlined in red]] plays a role?! [[/underlined in red]] For instance Holmgren is timid and his wife is a nonentity shy etc. [[underlined in red]] Does he expect better from the men of Cyanamid. [[/underlined in red]] He only knows few of them. I believe, if given opportunity [[underlined in red]] we have plenty of our men who will grow up. nor is our enterprise a social affair. [[underlined in red]] Some way or another [[underlined in red]] he gives [[strikethrough]] su [[/strikethrough]] insufficient credit to our men, [[/underlined in red]] specially those in [[underlined in red]] Bloomfield. [[/underlined in red]] Seems to have a prejudice against them. - Is a case of "All fields look green faraway!" He and Rossi were the loudest to denounce that man and aides who now manage the Beetle Dept of Cyanamid. [[underlined in red]] He does not know any [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] the short comings of some of the men [[/underlined in red]] at [[underlined in red]] the head of Cyanamid. [[/underlined in red]] If he has to work with them he will