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71/ [[red underline]] Hammock [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] visit [[/strikethrough]] the [[red underline]] Palmetum  of Col. [[red underline]] Montgomery [[/red underline]] and same looks at [[red underline]] original jungle [[/red underline]] etc. Then to [[red underline]] Tahiti Beach, [[/red underline]] which was well visited then finally here
Told him [[red underline]] history [[/red underline]] of Bakelite Company [[red underline]] German Bakelite. Bakelite Ltd [[/red underline]] La Bakelite, Canadian Bakelite [[red underline]] Japan Bakelite [[/red underline]] and my trouble with [[red underline]] R&H.  & Karpen which decided me to buy R&H stock  for $2000000. [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Bakelite Whitaker [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Showed him report of assets and earnings of Bakelite Ltd and of Bakelite Gesellschaft, so as to show real values thereof as compared with the 1.00$ on our books At about 9 P.M. drove him to the Bus Station whence he went to his hotel 
[[underline]] June 3 [[/underline]] At 11:15 AM. went for inspection to Dr. [[red underline]] Wielage, [[/red underline]] dentist. who [[red underline]] reports everything well. [[/red underline]] Two left upper molars will be extracted tomorrow [[red underline]] Since my purchase of stocks I have only $8613 in bank [[/red underline]] now. Notified the tile sellers to begin work tomorrow at N.E wing of Anchorage. 
[[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]]. Went to dentist at 10 A.M. who extracted 2 [[strikethrough]] upper [[/strikethrough]] left upper molars. He used first a Novocaine injection in gums, was assisted by [[red underline]] Dr. Gordon [[/red underline]] his young intelligent assistent and 2 nurses ^[[nurses]]. one for handling the blood absorption tubing. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin]] The [[red underline]] two molars showed bad infection [[/red underline]] and abscesses at the roots as indicated in the xray pictures which had been taken 
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recently by Gordon. [[red underline]] I heard the cracking and scraping of the bones but no pain. While [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] I was in the dentist chair and they were proceeding with the extraction I had every opportunity of observing the faces of Wielage, Gordon and the Nurse all streneously [[strikethrough]] observ [[/strikethrough]] concentrating their full attention on the different phases of the operation. [[vertical  note in left margin in red]] Painless -Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] Their faces intensely scanning every detail. in my  mouth; anxiously following the procedure. This [[red underline]] reminded me of Rembrandt masterpiece [[/red underline]] at the Hague Museum "The lesson of Anatomy. Except that the tension and concentration [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] of their facial expression of [[red underline]] the 3 seemed much more intense. [[/red underline]] If I were a painter I should much like to paint their [[strikethrough]] 3 faces [[/strikethrough]] 3 young faces of intense devotion and concentration to the little job they had to perform A second nurse stood behind ready to hand out successively each instrument or object mentioned by [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] who in a low voice gave the orders of the "commandant.
All in all it was [[red underline]] a very satisfactory experience. I suffered no pain [[/red underline]] and afterwards went to lie down for reading while taking a few minutes rest. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Tile floor [[/vertical note in left margin]] Then took my station wagon home as if nothing had occurred. and took a light lunch and a glass of beer. [[red underline]] The tilers are [[/red underline]] spreading [[red underline]] the adhesive over the cement floor. [[/red underline]] 

Transcription Notes:
Palmetum was the name of the estate of Col. Robert Hiester Montgomery..he collected palm trees and is best known for establishing PriceWaterhouse accounting firm