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75/ Again sultry on account of lack of wind but bright skies [[note in margin underlined]] June 10  June 1 [[/note in margin underlined]] At 2:00 P.M went to [[red underline]] Dr. Wielage who extracted 2 more of my right side [[/red underline]] upper molars as per schedule - plan [[red underline]] Big husky teeth all infected again did not feel the slightest pain [[/red underline]] during and after the operation nor did I feel in the least affected. [[red underline]] Feel entirely normal [[/red underline]] and after driving back home attended to my usual occupations. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin]] I think it is [[red underline]] simply wonderful [[/red underline]] and I feel very grateful for the skill and method of Dr. [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]]
This morning signed my [[red underline]] income tax [[/red underline]] check (quarterly remittance due June 15) for [[red underline]] $6250. [[/red underline]] to be sent to New York Custom House I have tried with success to burn [[red underline]] Australian pine [[/red underline]] twigs in the open fire in main room to keep mosquitoes from descending thru the only not stuffed chimney Tried also that [[strikethrough]] burning [[/strikethrough]] smudging by burning [[red underline]] Australian pine [[/red underline]] twigs in the house drives them away thru open apertures and that the [[red underline]] smoke is not objectionable [[/red underline]] and cheaper than expensive burning of Pyrethrum. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Mosquitoes [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] Wrote letter to Mr. [[red underline]] Leyden [[/red underline]] of our patent dept. commending him for the intelligent and tactful way he investigated a tricky company that calls itself: 
[[underline]] June 10 [[/underline]]. [[red underline]] Mosquitos [[/red underline]] better to day. [[red underline]] William Robinson [[/red underline]] our darkey reported this morning for duty
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but unable to work because [[red underline]] his wife stuck him with a knife in his arm [[/red underline]] and inflicted some further cuts on his forehead. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Wm Robinson [[red underline]] wounded [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] - As Williams is a very quiet and peaceful fellow and does not drink, I imagine his wife was either drunk or insane. Went to Wielage who pulled [[red underline]] two more upper molars [[/red underline]] on the right side again [[red underline]] no pain [[/red underline]] during or after. Whole operation taking about 15 min including packing. - [[red underline]] wonderful! [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] June 11. [[/underline]] Bright and gentle breeze and [[red underline]] mosquitoes [[/red underline]] seem to be [[red underline]] gone. [[/red underline]] On the other hand part of the night is rather noisy on account of the mating [[red underline]] croakings of frogs. [[/red underline]]
This morning [[red underline]] William [[/red underline]] showed up with his wounded arm, and plaster removed exposing the [[strikethrough]] wound [[/strikethrough]] open wound. Sent him with [[strikethrough]] William [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Andrew]] to the [[red underline]] nearest physician [[/red underline]] for dressing. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin]] Andrew also will report the case to the Justice of the Peace who has jurisdiction of Niggertown. Went to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] 10:30 A.M for inspection and renewal of dressing of my teeth
[[underline]] June 12 [[/underline]]. A letter from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] describing how he had decided to let [[red underline]] Brooks [[/red underline]] who has done well in his present school to go to a [[red underline]] boarding school where character, self help and self respect and manual skill are encouraged, [[instead?]] of snobism, football contests between other schools etc and similar nonsense. I feel very happy [[/red underline]] to see George [[red underline]] advancing this tendency, [[/red underline]] He certainly is a valuable [[red underline]] father [[/red underline]] to his children, not merely by his [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Brooksie [[/left margin]]