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77/ [[red underline]] principles but by his own example. [[/red underline]] Got also a nice letter from [[red underline]] Ninette [[/red underline]] which I intend to answer soon. George's children all certainly not generous in letters written to me. [[red underline]] Col. Niesshan [[/red underline]] came here recovered from his [[red underline]] operation on prostate [[/red underline]] and full of praise for his surgeon Has purchased a strip of land in [[ strikethrough]] Siliver [[/strikethrough]] Silver Bluffs which comes out on the Bay. [[underline]] June 13.  [[/underline]] Yesterday mailed my check for [[red underline]] Federal Income Taxes [[/red underline]] This morning renewed-dressings on my teeth by Dr. [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin]] At 1:30 P.M. meeting with [[red underline]] Cook [[/red underline]] agents of Federal Income Taxes Discussed deductions with him etc. Quite a decent fellow, will report my statements Beautiful weather. No mosquitoes. Nice breeze. Water in [[red underline]] swimming tank is 88° F. [[/red underline]] No mosquitoes. Spent afternoon in nothing but short drawers. [[red underline]] Climate perfect. [[/red underline]] Humidity 70% [[red underline]] Plenty of birds. William still at home with wounded arm. [[/red underline]] Physician says [[red underline]] will take another week [[/red underline]] to heal it
[[underline]] June 14 [[/underline]] -15. At 10:30 A.M another visit to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] to [[strikethrough]] dres [[/strikethrough]] change dressing of my gums. - [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] still in Canada [[red underline]] recuperating
[[/red underline]] [[underline]] June 16 - Sunday. [[/underline]] Here all day writing, studying and swimming Excellent Ford Concert to [[strikethrough]] nig [[/strikethrough]] night and marvelous
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[[red underline]] beautiful full moon [[/red underline]] and bright skies. Walked around garden for an hour, then took swim and so to bed. [[underline]] June 17. [[/underline]] Drove to Dr. [[underline in black and red]] Misner [[/underline in black and red]] at 11 AM who [[red underline]] took a cast [[/red underline]] and measurements for the artificial teeth he is to put in place. of the extracted ones Busy day writing many belated letters.
As [[red underline]] William, our [[red underline]] negro, [[/red underline]] is still unable to work since his wife cut him and will probably not be available before another week decided to [[red underline]] try another colored man in his place. William [[/red underline]] who was very steady in the past, has [[strikethrough]] given [[/strikethrough]] been quite different [[red underline]] since he married that awful wife [[/red underline]] who seems to treat him badly 
Good rain - shower this afternoon Wrote [[red underline]] letter to  Frederic, Ninette Bake Roll, Mrs. Arthur Scribner Mrs. Ernest Dutry. etc. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Jun 18. [[/underline]] To [[red underline]] Dr. Misner [[/red underline]] 9 A.M. Andrew after inquiry for a suitable negro to [[red underline]] replace William [[/red underline]] brought for trial the son in law of [[red underline]] Nathan Sand, [[/red underline]] who is the head negro of Fairchild. He is married and his name is Makee. Wrote letter to Bake-Roll, Ninette, Frederic Swarts & [[red underline]] Mrs. Arthur Scribner, [[/red underline]] the latter wrote to Celine for a contribution to Vassar College. [[strikethrough]] Wrote le [[/strikethrough]] Wrote her why I must abstain
[[underline]] June 19. [[/underline]] Visit to Dr. [[red underline]] Visner [[/red underline]]^[[Misner]] for my [[red underline]] false teeth. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Moderate sun most of afternoon but pleasant [[/strikethrough]] 

Transcription Notes:
on this last edit, only added one red underline marking