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79/ [[underline]] June 20 [[/underline]] Today there is a directors meeting of Bakelite Corporation. So stayed home for any news or phone calls Light rain most of day but very pleasant. Afternoon drove to Miami Beach 5959 Sheridan Ave to visit [[red underline]] model house where Bakelite (Formica) [[/red underline]] is used etc found there  a man who says born in Austria and calls himself. [[strikethrough]] Irv [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Irving Eastman. [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Miami Beach [[/vertical note in left margin]] Speaks very much with the accent [[red underline]] of a Jew. [[/red underline]] Showed me all the artificialities of his modern house planned by himself and his brother. - Gave me advertising printed matter and show me around. [[red underline]] Miami Beach and  Miami [[/red underline]] seem very dead in this rainy weather. - But no mosquitoes and pleasant temperature [[underline]] June 21 [[/underline]] . At 11 AM to [[red underline]] Dr. Misner [[/red underline]] for further measurements as to upper artificial teeth. Then immediately after Dr [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] pulled out a badly infected molar from my right lower jaw. again practically painless. This is the tooth which a few years ago got a gold crown. Drove back alone as usually. [[underline]] June 22. [[/underline]] Wrote to Brooks, answering his letter. Short visit to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] for renewing my dressing [[end page]]
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Went to see the [[red underline]] photos Burdine made [[/red underline]] of me and of [[April?]]. - Some are very good [[red underline]] The Calverts are leaving [[/red underline]] tonight or tomorrow for a trip in the Northern part of Europe, taking their car along.
[[underline]] Sunday. June 23. [[/underline]] Writing and reading and usual swim in the sea and basin Since some days we have a regular short shower in afternoon. Wrote letter to Calder and to Ripper [[strikethrough]] Mon [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] June 24. [[/strikethrough]] This morning to [[red underline]] Wielage and Misner [[/red underline]] for dressing my teeth and M. making cast of my lower jaw. Tomorrow morning the 3 stumps of upper front teeth will be extracted and new [[strikethrough]] palates [[/strikethrough]] artificial Bridges will be inserted Went to [[red underline]] Burdine [[/red underline]] to let them make some [[red underline]] colored photos [[/red underline]] from proof of my portrait. [[red underline]] Man from tiling [[/red underline]] concern here scraping varnish from cement floors on my wing of house & pantry & kitchen preliminary to put [[red underline]] asphalt tiles. [[/red underline]] Got nice letter from [[red underline]] Hays, [[/red underline]] speaking very eulogisly about [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] and his speech he made before [[red underline]] the "Crusaders" [[/red underline]] of which he has been elected one of the heads. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] George [[/vertical note in left margin]] Afternoon visited [[red underline]] Judge Ritter. [[/red underline]] Evening sudden shift of wind to North, copious rain and sudden lowering of temperature to 76°F
[[underline]] June 25.[[/underline]] [[red underline]] Wielage extracted  3 front teeth, [[/red underline]] which has dwindled away to nearly nothing but the roots