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wooden creosoted piles are being driven in row-wise so as to prevent further erosion of this extreme point of Cape Florida, then home returning by way of [[red underline]] Steamboat channel [[/red underline]] a very restful trip. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cape Florida [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
Engine and everything running very well. [[red underline]] Roberts rowing [[/red underline]] is somewhat clumsy; [[/red underline]] his handling of ropes and knots shows very limited practice but he is quieter and more intelligent than William Guaranty reports 17.689. for last Monday.
[[underline]] June 28. [[/underline]] Went to [[black and red underline]] Misner [[/black and red underline]] for [[strikethrough]] exe [[/strikethrough]] slight alterations on my upper teeth-set, which causes pain on my gums, palate, and throat. Filing off some of the pressing ages, remedied quickly. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin]] Then to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] for renewing dressing and examination. No further pain this night.
[[underline]] June 29 [[/underline]] Further [[strikethrough]] improved [[/strikethrough]] ^[[adjusted]] fitting on teeth by [[red underline]] Misner [[/red underline]], then dressing etc by [[red underline]] Wielage. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] June 30 Sunday [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]]  Wrote to [[red underline]] Sarton and Sauveur, [[/red underline]] congratulating on their Dr. Honoris Causa of Harvard [[underline]] June 30 (Sunday). [[/underline]] Wrote letter to Ambassador [[red underline]] Cartier [[/red underline]] - in London in answer to his reference to Bakelite Ltd. All day here. Quiet and nice weather, reading & writing [[underline]] July 1. [[/underline]] All day here.
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[[underline]] July 2. [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
Went to [[red underline]] Dr. Wielage [[/red underline]] who undertook operation on my [[red underline]] lower jaw, [[/red underline]] scraping hard matter from roots of my lower teeth, detaching the gums, then sewing them up with threads around teeth. 
All this to stop further invasion of alveolar penetration of hard matter. This is a [[red underline]] very laborious operation on which he prides himself. [[/red underline]] Preliminary injection of [[red underline]] Novocaine [[/red underline]] in the gums prevented any pain. Altho' he hurried as much as possible all this [[red underline]] took about 30 minutes. [[/red underline]] Mean time have to postpone putting of my Luxene outfit of [[red underline]] Misner. [[/red underline]] Gums much inflamed and bleeding Felt rather tired after the ordeal and tried to sleep after returning home. But an [[red underline]] increasing pain [[/red underline]] developed as soon as I was home Finally phoned [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] after 4 hours, to [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] he said take 2 tablets [[red underline]] Aspirin [[/red underline]] etc. This stilled the pain after a few minutes and next day. Shall [[red underline]] have to live on milk, eggs and soft food [[/red underline]] until gums get normal which will take about a week at least. Got my colored photos of myself from Burdine's.
[[underline]] July 3. [[/underline]] To [[red underline]] Wielage, [[/red underline]] for [[strikethrough]] dressing [[/strikethrough]] renewing dressing on gums then to [[red underline]] Misner [[/red underline]] who has now my outfit ready. But useless to try until gums get normal again. This afternoon Irving (?) Eastman the Russian Architect of the "model house" in Miami Beach came to visit me