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and my own student days. Spent most of day at office. Evening Thunderstorms, squalls and rain and suddenly much cooler. [[underline]] July 20. [[/underline]] Cooler pleasant weather [[strikethrough]] Bus [[/strikethrough]] Very busy all day at [[strikethrough]] hom [[/strikethrough]] Snug Rock. Afternoon and evening, violent rain, thunderstorms & black skies. Then much cooler during night
[[underline]] July 21 [[/underline]] (Sunday) - Cooler 76-80° 
Alone [[strikethrough]] all day [[/strikethrough]] after simple luncheon Reading, & writing. Excellent Radio performance. This evening a broadcast by [[red underline]] Van Loon [[/red underline]] reminding of Napoleon and his retreat of Russia as to the possible happenings to [[red underline]] Mussollini in Ethiopia [[/red underline]] A quiet reposeful day. 
[[underline]] July 22 [[/underline]] Professor [[red underline]] Fusheya [[/red underline]] of Japan came to visit me with introduction of [[red underline]] Shiohara. [[/red underline]] Strong rain last night brought again several inch water in former coal cellar. 
[[underline]] July 23. [[/underline]] At office, & preparing 1933 ^[[income tax]] documents for 
[[underline]] July 24 [[/underline]] visit of [[red underline]] Mr. Derth of U.S. Internal Revenue. [[/red underline]] He says I [[red underline]] cannot deduct depreciation nor maintenance of "The Crags", [[/red underline]] bought on speculation with the idea of reselling", because I am not a real Estate operator. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] The Crags [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
He says these are the rules. Was at the office from 10 A.M to 1:30 P.M. [[underline]] July 25 [[/underline]] Same high temperatures & humidity in the morning. But towards evening, improvement by wind turning northerly. 
[[underline]] July 26 [[/underline]] Cooler. Yesterday ended a 3 day conference at office between our representatives 
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and those of [[red underline]] Carborundrum. [[/red underline]] Norton, and [[red underline]] grinding wheel [[/red underline]] manufacturers and their representative lawyers discussing means of changing present licences so [[red underline]] that they do not trespass upon the new law specifications against restrictions of trade-competition 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Grinding Wheels [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
Had long talk with George about many subjects which are pending namely [[red underline]] Cyanamide [[/red underline]] Co proposals, family affairs etc. George tells me that [[red underline]] since our chemists have succeeded to use Henry Fords Soybean residue for molding purposes, [[/red underline]] while our competitors (Durez) have entirely failed we have suddenly become persona grata to [[red underline[[ Henry Ford, [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] his son and technical heads, and that large orders are awaiting us. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Henry Ford Soy Beans [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] The men at the head of Ford Co are full of good will to us. [[/red underline]] Henry Ford adopted the rule long ago, that in no case where they manufacture their own supplies does he want to make more than 50% himself, leaving the other [[strikethrough]] fif [[/strikethrough]] 50% to outsiders among the most favorable bidders. - But [[red underline]] in our case since his representatives have seen our plant in Bound [[/red underline]] Brook, their impression has been so favorable that [[red underline]] they want to discontinue entirely their own manufacture of plastics. [[/red underline]] George thinks that this and other prospects will much increase our outputs and very much increase our net earnings. [[red underline]] First half [[/red underline]] year thus far shows [[red underline]] $400000 net. [[/red underline]] - entirely made up