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of profits of manufacturing and none from [[strikethrough]] interest or sales [[/strikethrough]] dividends of stocks or bonds or sales thereof.
Told him [[red underline]] what I desire is not [[/red underline]] ^[[increased]] dividends, [[red underline]] but stability strength of position, excellent men on our staff and factories and be in a financial position to pay them well and not be dependent on others. [[/red underline]] [[underline]] Saturday July 27. [[/underline]] Pleasant cooler weather, and bright skies instead of that hanging fog and gray looks. Afternoon drove to [[red underline]] George's house [[/red underline]] in Scarsdale. His [[red underline]] family is all in Andirondacks. His garden [[/red underline]] and swimming pool [[red underline]] look very gracefull. [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Nepera Park [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Colonel [[red underline]] Fairfax Ayers [[/red underline]] was there in guest bungalow but he was probably sleeping as I did not see him. A yacht broker visited while I was there. In returning felt more than ever amazed how the [[red underline]] Saw Mill River district where 35 years ago stood the buildings of the Nepera Chemical Co which [[/red underline]] I founded [[red underline]] in 1893 [[/red underline]] had become a beautiful park district with marvelous roads. 
[[underline]] Sunday [[/underline]] July 28. Started looking up my income tax receipts and canceled checks for the year 1933, to submit them to the tax examiner. In doing so had to dig into the bunches of papers accounts etc which Celine has gathered 
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since years. Rather mixed up with hers, so did not find all I wanted. However in examining the [[red underline]] old safe [[/red underline]] in the lab, where I kept some [[red underline]] old laboratory notes [[/red underline]] I was lucky to discover 2 of my note books [[strikethrough]] covering 19 [[/strikethrough]] which since 3 years I have been hunting everywhere except in the lab. safe. I am happy to have the set complete and in my [[black and red underline]] Index [[/black and red underline]] shall have to write up the 2 years. No. 10 & 11  which I had to jump in the mean time. They cover [[red underline]] period from Oct 1 - [[strikethrough]] 1912 [[/strikethrough]] 1911 to Nov. 1912. [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] July 29. [[//underline]] Since [[red underline]] Catalin [[/red underline]] has won patent suit against small concern, it is likely that they will start now against us. - Am studying situation so i Nielsen and others. George and Rossi [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] were invited to another meeting with men of Cyanamid
[[underline]] July 30. [[/underline]] Meeting with [[red underline]] Derth, [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] again to verify my [[/strikethrough]] Internal [[red underline]] Revenue  expenses [[/red underline]] for further examination of my 1933 Federal Income tax, and amounts paid to Florida, Yonkers & N.Y State Income. As Celine is away could not find canceled checks for N.Y State-Tax, nor for taxes on the camp. He says I cannot deduct depreciation or maintenance for "The Crags" as I am not in real Estate Business. Also my [[red underline]] taxes for Germany are not deductible because they can [[/red underline]] only be deducted from [[red underline]] German revenue, [[/red underline]] of which I have none.