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[[red underline]] intervening between. Thus avoiding banking expenses [[/red underline]][[strikethrough]] or costs of. [[/strikethrough]] Told him would take the matter under advice. 
[[vertical note in left margin underlined and in red]] Our counter proposition [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] Meantime [[red underline]] suggested the idea of making first a trial-marriage  [[/red underline]] so that we might better get acquainted with each other. For instance we [[red underline]] taking over their whole plastic organisation [[/red underline]] and run it with ours and paying them a royalty base per lb. or on profits or on value of sales, and see how the cooperation works in reality before binding ourselves forever. After I left George Rossi and Pope went to luncheon together and George reported that with the present and profitable dividends of the amount of dividends with Bak. Corp. stockholders would get yearly amounted only to [[red underline]] about $100,000 which was out of proportion [[/red underline]] to  what they were getting now, and would cause naturally great protest. George says [[red underline]] Pope believes he can overcome this objection. [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cyanamid [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
I [[red underline]] am not [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] enthusiastic [[/red underline]] about proposed combination which would take away our independence and in which [[red underline]] George intend of being his own master as is the case at present will simply become part of the gear in a complicated organisation. [[/red underline]] The men who are
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friendly with him now may die [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] be replaced by others who may be objectionable etc. 
[[vertical note in left margin underlined and in red]] Bound Brook [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
[[underline]] Aug 2. [[/underline]] Drove to [[red underline]] Bound Brook [[/red underline]] from here at 8:30. Got there about 2 hours later. New office floor is all in operation and there is abundant idle space. [[red underline]] Lowe is again ill, [[/red underline]] with his stomach ulcers and in his absence [[red underline]] Shannon [[/red underline]] takes his place. Spent most of my time with [[red underline]] Ellingworth [[/red underline]] in his department of Cast Bakelite, which is considerably enlarged and provided with better machinery since my last visit, last year
The weather is very hot and humid today and the place and its offices are very hot. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Hot. [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
[[red underline]] But men and women do not seem to notice it as much as I do. [[/red underline]] Long conference at luncheon in the little Italian Restaurant reviewing the Catalin situation and past work. [[red underline]] Byck [[/red underline]] is now on his vacation but will visit me on Monday for further discussion in Yonkers and to refreshen our memory of prior work and samples in my old laboratory. 
[[vertical note in left margin underlined and in red]] Molinari [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
A very hot day. No breeze and 90°F Had a long talk with [[red underline]] Molinari [[/red underline]] who has considerably improved his cresol distilling plant also his laboratory and seems [[red underline]] happy and cheerful [[/red underline]] in his work