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[[red underline]] fits of kicking [[/red underline]] and opposition Brown will have a further talk with him after H. returns. - Then I will talk to H. Went for luncheon to Century where I met Henry de [[red underline]] Forest Baldwin, [[/red underline]] who has grown somewhat stouter and increased deafness. Also [[red underline]] Dr. Howe (socialist [[/red underline]] and writer) who has just come back from Europe and tells us his experiences and views about Germany, and that much false news is spread about Germany in U.S and elsewhere, mostly because some of our largest publications are owned or controled by Jews. Tells us that [[red underline]] Hitler is trying to rebuild [[/red underline]] Germany from its wreck of 1918 has many strong elements to fight namely [[red underline]] to break the preponderant influence of the Jews [[/red underline]] altho' the latter constitute only 1% of the population their power is enormous. The same holds true to the power of [[red underline]] Rome [[/red underline]] which acts thru [[strikethrough]] its G [[/strikethrough]] German Catholic priests. That altho exportation of large sums of money is forbidden, nuns and priests keep on exporting clandestinely, German money resources to Rome for the Pope. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] This evening during my "ghost-walk" around our property, met a man contemplating the Hudson from a rock below our place. His name is Roberts, one of the survival of the [[red underline]] Roberts [[/red underline]] after which Roberts Ave is named [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
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[[underline]] Aug. 17. [[/underline]] This morning early drove to New York [[red underline]] Botanical [[/red underline]] Garden to visit [[red underline]] Gardens [[/red underline]] and Green house. The place is so enormous that one loses the way easily and so much the more because there are no signs or other indicators to mark the way. Place [[strikethrough]] seems an [[/strikethrough]] ideal for the working class of New York to be down in the grass under the shadow of sheltering trees and hold a family luncheon which they bring in a basket. Everything seems [[red underline]] well behaved [[/red underline]] altho' I did not see a single policeman. This afternoon and to morrow visitors are much more numerous. Got acquainted with [[red underline]] Dr. Small [[/red underline]] the botanist, who for many years visited [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Florida and specialised in the study of the plants there. I noticed in the gardens a very ingenious apparatus, for attracting and [[red underline]] catching insects alive [[/red underline]] and which keeps them in a glass bottle underneath. This evening [[red underline]] Hendrik Willem Van Loon [[/red underline]] called me at phone, inviting me to join him tomorrow in his house at Riverside Conn. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] After a long talk with [[red underline]] Roberts [[/red underline]] of the men and early history of these surroundings. [[Gentel?]][[red underline]] Waring, Samuel Tilden, Alexander Smith, [[/red underline]] the Cockranes. John A. Andrews and early inhabitants of Harmony Park, took him to Snug Rock and made him a present of [[red underline]] 2 bottles of wine. [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[underline]] Aug 18 (Sunday). [[/underline]] Beautiful bright day. [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] Drove to Riverside Conn for luncheon with [[red underline]] van Loon. [[/red underline]] Beautiful drive. - Country houses and roads everywhere much impressed and succession of 

Transcription Notes:
Botanist referred to is John Kunkel Small