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167/ [[underline]] Sept 15 [[/underline]] (Sunday) At home all day Arranging old photos, negatives, etc [[underline]] Sept 16. [[/underline]] Ordered 3 subscriptions on [[red underline]] Science News [[/red underline]] as presents to [[red underline]] Dickie Brooks, & Celine [[/red underline]] Roll to be sent to their schools. [[strikeout]] My income [[/strikeout]] [[underline]] Sept. 17 [[/underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] Wrote letter to [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] who is now [[red underline]] in hospital in Boston with  Sciatica. [[/red underline]] Got copy of [[strikeout]] troter [[/strikeout]] records in Catalin Patent suit - very voluminous. [[underline]] Sept 18. [[/underline]] All day at office. New [[strikeout]] A [[/strikeout]] will draft under study. [[strikeout]] Or [[/strikeout]] Submitted by Hanson. Drs like his voluminous long drawn out sentences, 2 and 3 pages covering one sentence with no punctuation except one semicolon and some commas Want him to cut up these long sentences in smaller phrases so as to make reading of subject easier [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] tells me he has [[red underline]] made 3 trust funds, one for each of his children. [[/red underline]] Will enable me to make donations to them as I did for Nina's children. 
[[underline]] Sept 19. [[/underline]] Director's meeting. All but Redman present who is recuperating in Canada. See report. Discussion when and how much of [[red underline]] overdue dividend [[/red underline]] of Bakelite preferred to be declared. Declared regular [[strikeout]] most [[/strikeout]] quarterly Pfd dividend and on my request left other matters of overdue dividend in abeyance action to be later before end of year. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Overdue Dividend Karpen [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] Sanford Brown rather tries to push this matter and [[/red underline]] argued accordingly. Leo Karpen tells me [[red underline]] Karpen [[/red underline]] Brothers [[red underline]] need money badly [[/red underline]] for money they owe but he is less insisting than [[red underline]] Sanford [[/red underline]] Brown. [[end page]] [[start page]] \168
[[underline]] Sept 20. [[/underline]] Was invited by [[red underline]] Galpin [[/red underline]] to be guest at [[strikeout]] dinner [[/strikeout]] ^[[lunch]] given to [[red underline]] Belgian students, [[/red underline]] arriving or leaving U.S. on scholarship men of C.R.B. [[red underline]] Educational Foundation [[/red underline]] at [[strikeout]] Con [[/strikeout]] Hotel commodore. [[red underline]] Rickard [[/red underline]] presiding, [[red underline]] Mali [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Grenade [[/red underline]] there also the Belgians. Pleasant, short and informal. [[underline]] [[vertical note in left margin]] Dr. Pierre Vescauterin [[sp?]]  & Dr. & Mrs. v.d. Brughe }Ghent [[/vertical note in left margin]] Sept 21. [[/underline]] At Snug Rock all day. Discussed with Celine my new draft of will
Classified old photos etc. Spent day until late reading testimony of [[red underline]] Catalin. [[/red underline]] Noticed that the Judge seemed prejudiced in favor of Catalin. Defense lacked [[underline]] functional [[/underline]] knowledge of prior art, while plaintiff purposely did not carry out prior art patents so as to obtain good results Further more one [[red underline]] important British patent dating 1916, antedating [[/red underline]] considerably their own patents was not even mentioned. This British patent is by a Frenchman whose name I do not remember at present; but Dr Schmidt is studying it in Bloomfield [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin trial [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[underline]] Sept 22 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Another beautiful day George came here at 9.A.M with his boy [[red underline]] Freddy. [[/red underline]] [[strikeout]] rest [[/strikeout]] The latter restless and talking as ever. Took him in my laboratory to show him glassblowing which interested him very much. George and myself spent morning discussing the text of [[red underline]] new will [[/red underline]] as prepared  [[red underline]] by Henson. [[/red underline]] The only reproach I make to the latter is the unnecessary long sentences. At 1 P.M. Nina came with all her children for luncheon. They stayed till about 8.P.M. All healthy and very active. Are returning to school in a few days They enjoyed much eating grapes from the vines etc [[underline]] Sept. 23 [[/underline]] Went to Radio Exhibition. Noticed that most exhibitors [[red underline]] have ceased using Bakelite [[/red underline]] and substituted 

Transcription Notes:
Could not find reference to the name in the left margin (Vescauterin?) Tried a number of different spellings but was unsuccessful at finding anything