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[[red underline]] wood for cheapness [[/red underline]] and to produce a new effect. Not so many years ago Bakelite plastics were used for almost everything and this became our [[red underline]] principal market about 1923 etc [[/red underline]] Even the glass tubes with Bakelite base are being replaced by metal tubes which use no Bakelite. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Bakelite in Radio [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] Some of the [[/strikethrough]] All this mainly as a "salesman" argument, "something new" to catch sales. Some of the better concerns like Philco however announce that the metal tubes are not so good and have serious defects 
[[underline]] Sept. 24 [[/underline]] Obtained photostat of original [[strikethrough]] pat [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] French patent of Bruhat filed [[/red underline]] Nov. 4, 1916 but published only Oct. 28-1919 after the armistice.
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] New Will Catalin [[/vertical note in left margin]] This Jean [[red underline]] Bruhat [[/red underline]] patent was filed in England by Lorival for Bruhat. Hence is called here the Lorival patent. Was filed in Britain 1921, No 156.675.
Am [[red underline]] studying new will Henson is draughting. [[/red underline]] - He says old will has many defects. He is also [[red underline]] studying my different irrevocable trusts. [[/red underline]] It looks as if Hays had made a defective job in all these documents. 
[[vertical underlined note in left margin in red]] Halowax [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
Sanford Brown tells me state of [[red underline]] Wisconsin [[/red underline]] has passed a law forbidding sale, manufacture and use of chlorinated products such as [[red underline]] Halowax, Carbon tetrachlorite etc. [[/red underline]] This looks very serious to this department. One surprise after another. More and more [[red underline]] war probabilities in Ethiopia. [[/red underline]] Fanatical Mussolini a public danger to the world 
[[underline]] Sept 25 [[/underline]] Went to [[red underline]] Columbia's opening ceremonies [[/red underline]] at 3 P.M. Butler made an excellent address as usually I told Dr Evan Barker he should send in his curriculum vitae so that
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his name should be in new edition of "Who's Who".
[[underline]] Sept 26 [[/underline]] Have urged [[red underline]] Dr. Galpin [[/red underline]] ^[[of CRB]] to do the same and am sending in his record [[strikethrough]] Sept 26 [[/strikethrough]] The Longacres visited us this evening. 
[[underline]] Sept 27 [[/underline]] Examined [[red underline]] Catalin's voluminous license contract, which contains some very objectionable clauses, [[/red underline]] which would be unacceptable to us 
[[vertical note in red in left margin in red]] Catalin [[/vertical note in red in left margin]] 
Urged Dr. Schmidt to hurry still more his experiments with the French patent of Jean [[red underline]] Bruhat, [[/red underline]] which contains [[red underline]] prior disclosures. [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Sept.28 [[/strikethrough]] Henry Howard called at office. Is just back from a visit to Europe where he represented Am. Chamber Commerce in International meeting I preparing to join his boat in Florida
[[underline]] Sept 28. [[/underline]] Retranslated into English the original [[red underline]] Bruhat [[/red underline]] patent so as to detect differences in the British Patent office translation. Also studied my different [[red underline]] Irrevocable Trust deeds of which language does not seem clear enough to me. [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Trust deed [[/vertical notes in left margin]] 
I suggest putting in a codicil in each, which would not alter the fact that they are [[underline]] irrevocable [[/underline]] as heretofore but to clarify the meaning of the obscure wording of the text which seems to contradict itself in some of the paragraphs
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Will [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
Have consulted [[red underline]] Henson, [[/red underline]] who will give me advice. - I fear Hays has blundered in his wording of the text 
[[underline]] Sept 29 [[/underline]] (Sunday) A very busy Sunday putting things in shape and [[red underline]] studying my will and trust deeds also Catalin patents [[/red underline]] & proposed license 

Transcription Notes:
Jean M. Bruhat was the Head of the Laboratory of the French Society of Hygiene.