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which await decision which will probably be decided this winter. This creates an awkward situation in regard to the [[strikethrough]] trut [[/strikethrough]] trusts I have made.
Gave my brief-case with copies of all the trusts to Holmgren fro safe keeping while I shall be away in Washington.
[[underline]] Oct 9 [[/underline]] Leave for Washington 12:30 P.M. During morning was in office very busy. Wrote letter to [[red underline]] Nina and George [[/red underline]] announcing then that I gave them [[red underline]] 45 shares [[/red underline]] Bakelite preferred as well as to each of their children to thus [[red underline]] celebrate 25th anniversary of Bakelite enterprise [[/red underline]] under corporate name. Toch came to visit, also Celine to sign the [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] trust documents and transfers. Long talk to Dr. [[red underline]] Schmidt and Brannon [[/red underline]] none of them seems to have understood that the work I planned for them was to establish clearly that good cast products could be [[strikethrough]] obt [[/strikethrough]] made by the [[red underline]] Bruhat [[/red underline]] French patent without infringing the [[red underline]] Catalin [[/red underline]] patents. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin [[/vertical note in left margin]] They simply tried to use our current processes, substituting paraform for formaldehyde in solution and adding so much water as to correspond to formaldehyde of 37% concentration! 
[[strikethrough]] Oct [[/strikethrough]] Arrived at [[red underline]] Cosmos Club [[/red underline]] about 5 P.M. Took me several hours before I met any of my old friends. Then met several. - Same old [[red underline]] dear Club [[/red underline]] nothing changed since I was there last except several of my dear friends gone. Went to register at New Willard Hotel for [[red underline]] American Electrochemical Society [[/red underline]] which begins its meetings tomorrow till Saturday evening. Met several old acquaintances. Am invited among guests of honor for the dinner 
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[[underline]] Oct 10 [[/underline]] Have received [[red underline]] cablegram from
Bakelite Gesellschaft also from Shiohara - Japan [[/red underline]] congratulating and best wishes on occasion of [[red underline]] 25th anniversary [[/red underline]] of creation of Bakelite Corporation. Went to meeting of [[red underline]] Electrochemical society symposium [[/red underline]] on high temperature production. Met many old friends. [[red underline]] Dr. Fink [[/red underline]] as secretary kept as usually full life in the discussions. [[red underline]] Critchett ^[[president]] of Union Carbide, [[/red underline]] at noon time Mr. William M. [[red underline]] Corse, metallurgical and chemical engineer, [[/red underline]], who is our Washington correspondent for Bakelite came to visit me. His address is 810 - 18th street. N.W Washington. The man makes a good impression. - Also visit and long talk with [[red underline]] Dr. Hale [[/red underline]] of Dow's Chemical Co who plans a new book
Dr. [[strikethrough]] Graham [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Hammond]] of Congressional Library invites me to visit. He is an old friend of [[red underline]] Bancroft [[/red underline]] and was formally of Cornell faculty. [[underline]] Evening [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Dinner of Electrochemical [[/red underline]] Society was put left to President [[red underline]] Critchett, Dr. Tone [[/red underline]] who was to receive the Acheson medal was on his right. Very pleasant and well conducted dinner at Willard Hotel except that the [[red underline]] speeches [[/red underline]] were unduly [[red underline]] long [[/red underline]] and many repetitions [[vertical note in left margin]] Got acquainted with Dr. Briggs who sat on my left and is now director of Bureau of Standards and remembered me well [[/vertical note in left margin]] 

Transcription Notes:
Frank J. Tone = winner of Acheson medal J.H. Critchett = President of the Electrochemical Society in 1935 Dr. Fink = secretary ECS